Cover Crops

Screen capture of RMA forage insurance decision support tool
Screen capture of RMA forage insurance decision support tool

July 15 Deadlines Approaching For Annual Forage Insurance

May 23, 2016
Annual Forage Insurance coverage is available in Nebraska for annual forage plants seeded for use as livestock feed or fodder. This includes, but is not limited to, plants seeded for grazing, haying, grazing/haying, grain/grazing, green chop, grazing/green chop, or silage. The deadline is July 15 for 1) sign-up for coverage on fall-planted forage and 2) reporting on coverage purchased last December.

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Crimper designed by UNL students to be used in cover crops
Crimper designed by UNL students to be used in cover crops

Mulch Cropping Field Day & Crimper Demonstration Sunday near Abie

May 13, 2016
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is hosting a Mulch Cropping Field Day May 15 to show use of a crimper to provide mulch and drilling beans into crimped triticale.

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Planting Corn into a Cereal Rye Cover Crop

April 29, 2016
Cereal rye has become a popular cover crop to reduce soil erosion and add carbon to the soil system.

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Cover Crop/Soil Health Field Day April 18 near Falls City

April 13, 2016

A cover crop/soil health field day, previously scheduled for March 30, has been rescheduled for 9 a.m. April 18 at the Jon Keithley Farm northwest of Falls City. The event will be at 71475 650 Avenue.

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Rye cover crop in southeast Nebraska
Rye cover crop in southeast Nebraska

Cover Crop/Soil Health Field Day near Falls City Canceled

March 21, 2016
This Cover Crop Field Day has been canceled.

View various cover crop species and mixtures at a cover crop/soil health field day Wednesday, March 30 at the Jon Keithley Farm northwest of Falls City at 71475 650 Ave.

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Herbicide Options for Planting Forage Cover Crops after Corn and Soybean

March 18, 2016

Cover crop adoption is continuing to increase throughout Nebraska. Respondents to the 2015 cover crop survey conducted during Nebraska extension meetings indicated the top five desired benefits from cover crops are

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Nebraska Cover Crop Conference Feb. 25 at UNL ARDC

February 12, 2016

The integration and benefits of cover crops in a corn-soybean rotation will be the focus of the Nebraska Cover Crop Conference Thursday, Feb. 25. It will be held at the UNL Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1071 County Road G near Ithaca.

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Feb. 5 Cover Crop Seminar Available at UNL or On-Line

February 4, 2016
Cover crops and their effect on soil ecosystems will be the topic of a Friday afternoon seminar hosted by the UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. Humberto Blanco, associate professor for soil management and applied soil physics, will be presenting information from his research on cover crops and a review of current research by other universities.

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