A Cover Crop Field Day, sponsored by Nebraska Extension and NRCS, will be Wednesday, September 7, at the Trent Bohling Farm in western Nemaha County. Registration is at 9:30 a.m. followed by the program at 10 a.m.
The Bohling farm is one mile west of the Highway 136 and Highway 105 junction. The field day site is 1/8 of a mile south of Highway 136 on 629 Avenue.
Different cover crop mixes planted in wheat stubble on different dates in July and August can be viewed at the site.
Speakers and topics will include
- Daren Redfearn, extension forage systems specialist, on planting dates and species selection;
- Mary Drewnoski, extension beef systems specialist on planting date and species impact on forage quality and animal performance and the use of cereal rye in grazing systems;
- Jay Parsons, extension ag economist, on lease arrangements for grazing cover crops;
- Humberto Blanco, UNL soil scientist, on UNL research on the impact of cover crops on soil physical properties.
Following the free lunch there will be time to discuss these and other cover crop/soil health topics and view different cover crop mixes in the field. Cover crop industry representatives also may be available.
While pre-registration isn’t required, it is encouraged for a meal count. To register contact Gary Lesoing at Nebraska Extension in Nemaha County at gary.lesoing@unl.edu or (402) 274-4755.