A morning field day to see a variety of cover crops seeded after wheat harvest will be held at the UNL Rogers Memorial Farm just east of Lincoln. The free event will be from 9:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 8.
Event speakers and topics will include:
- Mary Drewnoski, extension beef systems specialist, on using cover crops as forages for grazing
- Nate Belcher, Green Acres Cover Crops, on producer experiences with grazing cover crops
- Daren Redfearn, extension forage crop residue specialist, on species selection, planting dates, and establishment
- Sabrina Ruis, agronomy research associate, on residue removal and cover crop effects on soil carbon
- Paul Jasa, extension engineer, on cover crop basics and cover crop research at the Rogers Memorial Farm
Attendees will also be able to see this year’s corn and soybeans planted into cover crops from last year and observe the soil structure of long-term no-till.
Coffee and rolls will be available at 9 a.m. for those who pre-register. Register by emailing Paul Jasa at pjasa1@unl.edu by Tuesday, Sept. 6.
The Rogers Memorial Farm is at 18630 Adams St., Lincoln (north side of the road, about 7 ½ miles east of Lincoln, 2 miles north of Highway 34).