Also see: Corn
A mature wheat field in eastern Nebraska.
Figure 1. A wheat field about ready to harvest and, in the background, a corn field in eastern Nebraska. (Photo by Paul Jasa)

Crop Condition Improves Slightly; Progress Still Behind

July 22, 2019
Crop condition improved slightly for corn and soybean, while crop progress continued to lag previous years in all categories for the week ending July 21. Wheat harvest was 33% complete, well behind the five-year average of 76%.

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Forecasted Corn Yields as of July 15, 2019

July 19, 2019

Table 1. Data from simulations of 2019 end-of-season corn yield potential and real-time crop stage performed on July 15. (Full story at

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Growth stages of corn at rainfed sites in monitored by Corn Yield Forecast Center

2019 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 15

July 19, 2019
Corn is still in vegetative stages across much of the Corn Belt. At this point, delayed planting doesn't appear to have affected yields at irrigated sites. Yields for rainfed sites vary considerably, with those on the western edge trending above normal.

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Pollen on leaves and silks in spite of heat
Corn pollen on and near silks. For each kernel of grain to be produced, one silk needs to be fertilized by one pollen grain. Photo by Jenny Rees.

How Extended High Heat Disrupts Corn Pollination

July 19, 2019
A lot of factors can affect corn pollination success, including recent and predicted high heat and high humidity. This explains how environmental conditions influence the pollination process and how a cool down later this weekend may be helpful.

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Corn rootworm beetle

Impact of Planting Dates on Corn and Soybean Insects

July 18, 2019
The wide range in corn and soybean planting dates in Nebraska this year may affect the distribution and behavior of pest insects both this year and next year. Be alert to a possible shift and scout regularly to identify problem fields.

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Flooded field
Figure 1. Flooded crop fields in south-central Nebraska after heavy rains in 2019 caused growers to reexamine their options for fields already late planted or taken as prevented planting. (Photos by Sarah Sivits)

Crop Impacts and Options After Mid-season Flooding

July 2, 2024
After heavy summer rains have led to flooding in Nebraska, many farmers are facing concerns about how long crops can survive in standing water and implications for the remainder of the growing season.

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Reporting districts

Disease Reports from the UNL Diagnostic Clinic

July 12, 2019
Phytophthora root and stem rot in soybeans and bacterial leaf streak and common rust in corn were among the most common diseases reported in the last two weeks by the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic.

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Bacterial stalk rot in corn

Diseases to Watch for in Flooded Crops

July 11, 2019
Producers, consultants, and agronomists should be alert to the potential for increased disease pressure in fields that experienced flooding in March or more recently. Here are some of the diseases you're most likely to see.

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