Also see: Corn

Calculating the Odds of a Hard Freeze

August 7, 2019
How likely are you to see a hard freeze (28°F or less) before your corn reaches maturity? Check these tables based on current and historical conditions to see whether you're in an area of concern.

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drought-stressed corn

Is Silage an Option for Corn Impacted by the Canal Breach?

August 2, 2019
Without irrigation water and adequate rainfall, taking this western Nebraska corn to full maturity and grain production may not be the best option for the crop. Here's why silage may offer benefits.

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Forecast yield deviations from normal for rainfed corn across the Corn Belt

2019 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 31

August 2, 2019
This article summarizes the simulated crop stages and yield forecasts performed on July 31 for 37 locations across the US Corn Belt.

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Figure 1. Research in northeast Nebraska indicates that adding alfalfa to a corn-soybean rotation can reduce nitrate in the aquifer while increasing profit.

Adding Alfalfa to Corn-Soybean Rotation can Increase Profit, Reduce Nitrate Leaching

July 31, 2019
University research shows that adding alfalfa into corn-soybean rotations can help reduce the loss of nitrate to and increase the extraction of nitrate from aquifers while improving profitability.

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Seven teams of youth, shown here, participated in the 6th Annual Crop Scouting Competition. The top two teams, Colfax County 4-H and Kornhusker Kids 4-H Club Team #1, will represent Nebraska at the Regional program in Iowa on August. 26. (Photos by Brandy VanDeWalle
Figure 1. Seven teams of youth participated in the 6th Annual Crop Scouting Competition. The top two teams, Colfax County 4-H and Kornhusker Kids 4-H Club #1 team, will represent Nebraska at the Regional program in Iowa on August. 26. (Photos by Brandy VanDeWalle)

Youth Crop Scouting Event Tests Valuable Skills

July 31, 2019
Seven teams from across Nebraska participated in the sixth annual Crop Scouting Competition for Nebraska Youth, testing their skills scouting corn and soybean. The top two teams will represent Nebraska at the regional competition in Iowa in August.

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By measuring the water use of plants on an hourly or even minute-by-minute basis, Nebraska's James Schnable and colleagues hope to better understand and eventually improve how crops respond to drought. (Craig Chandler/University Communication)
Figure 1. By measuring the water use of plants on an hourly or even minute-by-minute basis, University of Nebraska associate professor James Schnable and colleagues at Iowa State University hope to better understand and eventually improve how crops respond to drought. (Photo by Craig Chandler/University Communication)

New Stalk Sensor Could Lead to Improved Drought-Resistant Corn

July 31, 2019
Researchers at the University of Nebraska and Iowa State University are pursuing an elusive goal: measuring rates of sap flow in corn in real-time, actual fields, and changing weather conditions. Their data on corn water use could lead to improved drought resistance.

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Grazing an additional 10% of available acres of corn residue could increase income for crop producers by more than $6 million.  (Photo courtesy of USDA)
Grazing an additional 10% of available acres of corn residue could increase income for crop producers by more than $6 million. (Photo courtesy of USDA)

The Value of Grazed Corn Residue for Crop and Cattle Producers

July 31, 2019
It's estimated that a 10% increase in grazing utilization of corn residue could add $6.4 million to the bottom line of crop producers in Nebraska.

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Southern rust on a corn leaf

Southern Rust of Corn Confirmed in Southeast Nebraska

July 16, 2020
Southern corn rust was confirmed on corn leaf samples from Fillmore, Nuckolls and Johnson counties in southern Nebraska this week. Warm, humid conditions may favor disease development, so fields in this area should be monitored frequently in the coming weeks.

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