REVISED: July 16, 2020 (originally published July 25, 2019)
Key Points:
- Southern rust was found in Fillmore, Nuckolls and Johnson counties in Nebraska this week.
- Disease incidence and severity is very low.
- Fungicide application not recommended at this time. Scouting is recommended.
Southern corn rust was confirmed on corn leaf samples from Fillmore, Nuckolls and Johnson counties (Figure 1) in southern Nebraska this week. The disease had been confirmed in several states south and east of Nebraska during the prior weeks and has been active in deep southern states for several weeks.
The disease is currently at very low incidence in the fields from where samples were submitted. Warm, humid conditions may favor disease development, so fields in this area and elsewhere (especially in southern Nebraska) should be monitored frequently in the coming weeks for southern rust development. Due to low disease incidence and severity, we are not recommending fungicide applications for control at this time. We recommend scouting fields. Southern rust can become severe in susceptible hybrids, but may take up to several weeks to do so depending upon weather conditions, hybrid resistance, and other factors. Also of note are growth stage variations within fields this year. While portions of fields may be tasseling, others portions may still be in the vegetative stages. This is important as we think of adjuvant loads in pesticide applications just prior to tasseling as ear abnormalities can result.

Figure 1. Counties highlighted in red indicate where southern rust has been confirmed in these states as of 7/14/20 (Source: Southern rust tracking website). Southern rust has since been confirmed in Knuckolls & Johnson counties in Nebraska.

Figure 2. Southern rust pustules develop primarily on the top surface of the leaf and are generally orange to tan in color. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Figure 3. Some corn hybrids with common rust (pictured here) may produce yellow haloes around rust pustules making them more difficult to differentiate from southern rust. (Photo courtesy of Aaron Keck)

Figure 4. Symptoms of Physoderma brown spot can appear similar to southern and common rusts. Shown here Physoderma exhibits brown-purple spots on the mid-rib (shown here) and leaf sheath and yellowish brown spots on the leaf (lower half of image). (Photo by Jenny Rees)
Southern rust (Figure 2) is caused by an aggressive fungus that can rapidly cause disease in susceptible corn hybrids under favorable weather conditions. The disease can cause significant yield loss in susceptible hybrids if it becomes severe, so producers and crop advisors should monitor closely for this disease. Disease development is strongly impacted by weather conditions and sometimes does not become widespread or severe.
Southern rust does not always require treatment, making scouting and disease monitoring critical. It may take two or more weeks under favorable weather conditions for the disease to become more severe and widespread. Severe disease that impacts a large percent of leaf area can impact yield and stalk strength (standability) at the end of the season.
Southern rust pustules are often numerous and tightly clustered in patches. They may appear tan to orange in color. Most spores are produced in raised rust pustules on the upper leaf surface. In contrast, common rust produces brick-red to brown spores on both the top and bottom of the leaves. Yellow haloes may appear around common or southern rust pustules, depending upon the hybrid, complicating disease identification. Symptoms also may appear similar to Physoderma brown spot (Figure 4). This is leading to some confusion in identifying rust in the field. Microscopic examination in the diagnostic laboratory can quickly determine whether rust spores are those of common rust or southern rust.
Favorable Weather
The rust pathogens do not overwinter here. Spores (urediniospores) must be blown into the area on winds from areas south of Nebraska. These fungi need moisture to germinate and infect, so high relative humidity, rainfall, and irrigation will hasten disease development. Warm temperatures also favor southern rust development, especially temperatures in the upper 70s to 80s F, which are optimal for the fungus, even if they occur during the overnight hours. Cooler and drying conditions will help slow disease spread. This was observed in 2018 and 2019 when the disease was confirmed in Nebraska early in the growing season and failed to become widespread in most counties.
A new and more user-friendly southern rust tracking website has been created to monitor the distribution of the disease.
Please help us keep the map updated by sharing samples with suspected southern rust from your area. Counties from where southern rust samples have been microscopically confirmed are highlighted in red on the map.
Most hybrids are susceptible to the southern rust fungus. Familiarize yourself with your hybrids’ anticipated reaction to the disease by reviewing hybrid ratings provided by the seed company.
Monitor disease in susceptible hybrids to determine which fields may need treatment. Foliar fungicides can effectively manage the disease. Most fungicides can provide protection of leaves from future infections for 21-28 days, so application timing is critical. Treating before disease develops may lead to loss of full product efficacy before the disease reaches a critical level. Treating too early can result in the need for reapplication later if the disease spreads and worsens after the time when the earlier fungicide application has worn off.
Sometimes southern rust can take from several days to several weeks to develop, if at all, once it’s identified in an area. Treatment may not be necessary in vulnerable fields, so scouting is critical. Spraying early may mean a second application is necessary later in the season to protect plants during later grain-fill stages if the disease increases in severity once the fungicide has worn off. Scouting corn often is recommended to monitor for this and other diseases and their spread.
Sample Submission
Submit samples to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic for help identifying this and other diseases if you are unsure of the diagnosis. Information on how to submit a sample and the sample submission form are available on the PPDC site.
Additional Resources
- Southern Rust (Crop Protection Network resource)
- Rust Diseases of Corn in Nebraska (Nebraska Extension NebGuide 1680)
- Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases (Crop Protection Network resource)
- Plant Disease Management Section of the 2020 Guide for Weed, Disease and Insect Management in Nebraska