Corn Disease

A comparison of the bacteria that cause bacterial wilt of dry beans and Goss’ wilt of corn. The rods of Curtobacterium (left) in the dry bean wilt pathogen are shorter and fatter than the Goss’ wilt pathogen, Clavibacter (right).
Figure 1. A comparison of the bacteria that cause bacterial wilt of dry beans and Goss’ wilt of corn. The rods of Curtobacterium (left) in the dry bean wilt pathogen are shorter and fatter than the Goss’ wilt pathogen, Clavibacter (right).

Puzzling Out Two Closely Related Corn, Dry Bean Diseases

October 24, 2019
Two closely related plant diseases — one in corn and the other in dry bean — have followed similar, but somewhat perplexing patterns of appearing, disappearing, and then resurging as a serious threat to crop yield. A UNL researcher looks at factors affecting the cycle and whether it can be predicted.

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Starburst pattern on Fusarium-infected corn kernels

Crop Diseases Reported by the UNL Plant and Pest Clinic

October 18, 2019
Root, crown and ear rots lead the list of corn and soybean diseases reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab from October 1 to October 17.

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Gibberella and fusarium stalk rots in corn

Stalk Quality Concerns Widespread in Areas of Nebraska

September 27, 2019
The effects of late planting and stressful growing conditions throughout much of the season are showing up now in poor stalk quality in corn. Growers are encouraged to scout fields and harvest those most at risk of lodging first. Here's why and what to look for.

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While mold sclerotia in a soybean stem

Crop Disease Reports from the UNL Diagnostic Clinic

September 13, 2019
Diseases of corn, soybean, sorghum and alfalfa diagnosed by the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic in the last two weeks.

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Psysoderma brown spot

PP&DC Disease Reports

August 9, 2019
Corn and soybean diseases confirmed by the Plant, Pest and Diagnostic Clinic and reported by district.

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Southern rust on a corn leaf

Southern Rust of Corn Confirmed in Southeast Nebraska

July 16, 2020
Southern corn rust was confirmed on corn leaf samples from Fillmore, Nuckolls and Johnson counties in southern Nebraska this week. Warm, humid conditions may favor disease development, so fields in this area should be monitored frequently in the coming weeks.

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Corn seedling exhibiting disease symptoms

New CW Podcast on Corn Seedling Diseases

May 8, 2019
Michael Sindelar talks with Extension Plant Pathologist Tamra Jackson-Ziems about common corn seedling diseases, what to watch for in the field, and how to collect and submit quality samples for diagnosis.

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Map of bacterial leaf streak distribution in Nebraska

Corn Disease Update

January 9, 2019

The 2018 crop season got off to a slow start with cold, wet conditions delaying planting in much of the state. Some seedling diseases developed in early planted corn, but with ample heat units the corn caught up quickly and most of the crop finished ahead of schedule. High relative humidity and rainfall drove the development of several leaf diseases mid-season.

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