Corn Disease

Soybean seedling with disease injury

Soilborne and Early Seedling Pathogens and Delayed Planting in Corn and Soybean

May 3, 2018
Soilborne pathogens and early seedling diseases may be more frequent in corn and soybean this year due to cool weather conditions this spring and delayed planting.

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Fungicides are for Fungi

January 8, 2018
Symptoms of bacterial diseases can be easily confused with those of fungal diseases in field crops. This article, from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics, reviews some of the common mistakes made in the major field crops and reviews research on the impact of fungicide use after hail events in corn and soybean.

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Corn Disease Update

January 8, 2018
A review of diseases to expect in Nebraska corn for 2018. An article in the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings.

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Diplodia fungus on a corn ear

Ear Rot Diseases Developing in Some Nebraska Corn Fields

September 29, 2017
Common ear rot diseases are beginning to develop in corn fields and growers are encouraged to scout fields prior to harvest to aid in management decisions. Harvest and storage conditions can impact whether grain molds will continue to worsen.

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Lodged corn
Figure 1. Lodged corn due to stalk rot diseases. (Photo by Tamra Jackson-Ziems)

Stalk Rot Diseases in Nebraska Corn Fields

September 22, 2017
Stalk rots can be found in corn across Nebraska. This story addresses the risk factors and how to scout for stalk rots, assess stalk strength, and determine extent of damage in a field. Fields with high levels of stalk rot should be given priority at harvest to reduce yield losses due to lodging.

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Bacterial leaf streak in corn
Figure 1. Bacterial leaf streak symptoms on corn are interveinal streaks that may appear tan, brown, or especially yellow when backlit by the sun.

Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn

August 25, 2017
Bacterial leaf streak was just confirmed in Nebraska in 2016, the first incidence in the US, but has now spread to 56 counties and is found in eight other states.Learn about factors contributing to its development and "host" plants, as well as management options.

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Gray leaf spot (left) and southern rust (right) in corn

Corn Disease Update: Are we out of the woods yet?

August 18, 2017
As southern rust development slowed in some areas with recent cooler temperatures, gray leaf spot severity is now increasing and moving up corn plants to critical leaves for grain fill. Fungicides may be warranted for some GLS.

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Counties with confirmed southern rust

Continued Scouting Urged for Southern Rust Now in 26 Counties

August 4, 2017
Southern rust has now been confirmed in corn in 26 Nebraska counties. As we confirm more Nebraska counties with southern rust, it's important to know that the vast majority of rust reports have been sparse and no fungicide application was required. Continued scouting is urged, as injury can be critical to the grain-fill through dough stages.

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