Southern rust has now been confirmed in corn in 26 Nebraska counties. As we confirm more Nebraska counties with southern rust, it's important to know that the vast majority of rust reports have been sparse and no fungicide application was required at this time.
A few localized areas, especially where it was first reported, have required fungicide applications.
Rust will continue to build in the coming weeks and the weather, particularly warm humid conditions, will largely determine disease progression. Continued scouting is important as southern rust infection during the grain-fill through dough stages can cause critical injury.
Please continue to scout frequently for this disease and share observations and samples with the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic so we can track its development.
Thank you to all who have submitted samples to help outline and better understand the movement and severity of southern rust in Nebraska this year.
Sample Submission
For help identifying diseases you’re seeing, submit samples to the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. Click here for more information on how to submit a sample and the sample submissions form.
Related Resources
- Corn Disease Management: Southern Rust, a publication of the Crop Protection Network, co-authored and reviewed by university plant scientists.
- Map of counties where southern rust has been confirmed, updated regularly as new counties are added.
- Corn Disease Update: Southern Rust Increasing; Diplodia New to Nebraska (CW, July 27, 2017)
- Southern Rust Confirmed in Corn in 8 Eastern Nebraska Counties (CW, July 19, 2017)
- Rust Diseases of Corn in Nebraska (NebGuide G1680)