Stalk Rot Diseases in Nebraska Corn Fields
September 22, 2017
Stalk rots can be found in corn across Nebraska. This story addresses the risk factors and how to scout for stalk rots, assess stalk strength, and determine extent of damage in a field. Fields with high levels of stalk rot should be given priority at harvest to reduce yield losses due to lodging.
Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn
August 25, 2017
Bacterial leaf streak was just confirmed in Nebraska in 2016, the first incidence in the US, but has now spread to 56 counties and is found in eight other states.Learn about factors contributing to its development and "host" plants, as well as management options.
Corn Disease Update: Are we out of the woods yet?
August 18, 2017
As southern rust development slowed in some areas with recent cooler temperatures, gray leaf spot severity is now increasing and moving up corn plants to critical leaves for grain fill. Fungicides may be warranted for some GLS.
Continued Scouting Urged for Southern Rust Now in 26 Counties
August 4, 2017
Southern rust has now been confirmed in corn in 26 Nebraska counties. As we confirm more Nebraska counties with southern rust, it's important to know that the vast majority of rust reports have been sparse and no fungicide application was required. Continued scouting is urged, as injury can be critical to the grain-fill through dough stages.
Corn Disease Update: Southern Rust Increasing; Diplodia New to Nebraska
July 27, 2017
Warm, wet conditions across Nebraska the past two weeks created optimal conditions for crop diseases. This update looks at identification and management of three diseases in corn: southern rust, which is expanding in the state, bacterial leaf streak, and diplodia, which is new to Nebraska.
Nebraska Counties where Southern Rust Has Been Confirmed in Corn
August 3, 2017
As of Aug. 3 southern rust had been confirmed in 26 Nebraska counties by the University of Nebraska Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab. This map is updated as new confirmations are made.
Southern Rust Confirmed in Corn in 8 Eastern Nebraska Counties
July 19, 2017
Southern rust has been confirmed in corn in 8 eastern Nebraska counties and growers are urged to scout vigilantly to schedule optimal timing of treatment, if needed. Most systemic fungicides can provide protection of leaves from future infections for 21-28 days.
Several Corn Diseases Developing Across Nebraska
July 13, 2017
Several diseases, as well as other problems that look like diseases, have been confirmed in corn samples from around the state. These diseases can be difficult to differentiate from each other and from abiotic causes. This story offers photos and brief descriptions to aid your diagnosis before making treatment decisions.