May precip outlook map

April Brings High Winds and Deadly Wildfires

May 12, 2022
Though summer climate trends haven't changed, the latest CPC outlook reports a higher probability of wetter than normal conditions across Nebraska during May.

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April precipitation map

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update — April 19, 2022

April 21, 2022
With the lack of measurable moisture this past week for a large portion of the state, Nebraska experienced a continuation of topsoil and subsoil moisture decline and winter wheat deterioration.

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April precipitation map

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update — April 12, 2022

April 14, 2022
With an outlook of dry weather until the last week of April, the most favorable planting windows based upon widespread high temperatures exceeding 60°F is currently April 19-24.

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April precipitation outlook map

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update - April 5, 2022

April 7, 2022
With the March 31 CPC outlook, temperatures in Nebraska are still expected to be above normal through April, but precipitation chances have improved.

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April-June precip outlook graph

CPC Latest Outlooks Offer Little Drought Relief

March 23, 2022
The latest CPC outlook reports above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation are expected to continue in Nebraska until the end of summer.

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Winter 2021-22 precipitation anomalies graph

Winter 2021-22 Recap

March 23, 2022
According to preliminary findings by the National Center for Environmental Information, the 2021-22 winter season ranked as fourth-driest on record for the state of Nebraska.

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Drought map

Dryness Continues as We Round Out Winter

March 9, 2022
The primary weather story this February was the continued lack of precipitation leading to expansion of drought, which covered 38% of Nebraska at the start of February and 98% by early March.

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Precipitation outlook map

Spring 2022 Weather Outlook

March 8, 2022
With chances of below normal moisture and above normal temperatures through the next three months, Al Dutcher reports drought conditions across western Nebraska could rapidly intensify this spring.

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