sunset on Nebraska farm
Research from Nebraska's Suat Irmak and Meetpal Kukal has analyzed links among growing-season duration, heat accumulation and ag yields across the contiguous United States. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

115 Years of Data Reveal Longer Growing Season, Changing Temperature Trends

June 29, 2018
The past century of climate change has extended the average U.S. growing season by nearly two weeks but driven annual buildups of yield-stifling heat in the West and Northeast, says new research from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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US map showing departures from normal temperatures in May

If Patterns Continue, Drought Areas Likely to Expand in Nebraska

June 1, 2018
Based on current conditions and short and longer term forecasts, drought conditions appear to be building in Nebraska, says Associate State Climatologist Al Dutcher.

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One-month EDDI drought monitor
One-month EDDI drought monitor

Developing Drought Ready Farms

March 22, 2018
Sometimes drought can seem to develop quickly and without warning. Having a drought plan that incorporates prediction and drought-monitoring tools can help keep growers from being caught off-guard.

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High Plains Climate Center a Hub of Weather Data for 30 Years

December 11, 2017

The High Plains Regional Climate Center quietly turned 30 this year, while it continued to collect and make available a host of climate data, organized and taught numerous climate training workshops and answered hundreds of consumer calls.

The center didn’t pause to celebrate.

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December 5, 2017 Drought Monitor for Nebraska

Dry November Conditions Lead to Major Shift in Drought Monitor

December 7, 2017
After a drier and warmer than normal November, the Drought Monitor showed a marked increase in how much of Nebraska was dry, increasing the "abnormally dry" area from 9% to 61% this week.

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Summer precipitation patterns

Nebraska Entering a Dry Phase for Next 6-7 Years

December 5, 2017
A closer look at wet and dry periods for the last 120 years in Nebraska indicates the state is entering a dry phase expected to continue for the next six to seven years. While there may be wetter "exception" years during this period, the general trend is for drier than normal precipitation during this period.

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Frost-damaged corn
Figure 1. Buggy-whipping, shown hear in the two plants on the left, is when dead leaf tissue traps new leaf tissue, is one symptom of frost-damaged early season corn. (Archive photo by Roger Elmore)

Risk of Freeze Damage in Early-Planted, Emerged Corn

April 28, 2017
Early-season freeze damage results in a range of potential yield impacts. Severe damage is often limited to low-lying areas within a field because cool air is heavier than warm air. Early season survival of corn plants is attributed to growing-point protection below the soil surface; however, a hard frost can penetrate the ground and kill plants. Regrowth of corn following freeze damage is often impeded by dead leaf tissue that can entrap new leaves.

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Nebraska map showing median dates for 30 F freeze in spring
Figure 1. Median date of last 30°F temperature in spring. (Source: Nebraska State Climate Office)

Nebraska Springs Trending to Warmer and Wetter Conditions

April 14, 2017
Nebraska climatologists discuss changing conditions in the state, identifying a trend toward slightly warmer and wetter springs. Three maps show median and early and last freeze dates across the state.

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