Aerial farm photo
Historical acreage data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

2023 Nebraska Acreage

July 6, 2023
While corn, soybean and dry edible bean planted acreage is down slightly from last year, winter wheat acreage is up 17% in Nebraska.

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Drought-stressed alfalfa field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Drought-stunted Alfalfa Options, Bluegrass Control

June 27, 2023
Recommendations for producers facing short alfalfa stands from drought stress and encroaching bluegrass, plus water needs for livestock during summer.

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Alfalfa harvest
You can harvest seeding year alfalfa as early as 40 days after emergence, but if you can wait until 60 days, you'll benefit from increased root development, which helps avoid issues from soil compaction and surface soil dryness.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Planting Forage in Stubble and Seeding Year Alfalfa Management

June 20, 2023
Tips on planting forages into wheat and rye stubble, how to get the most from your first-year alfalfa and controlling yucca plants on rangeland in western and central Nebraska.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Alfalfa Insects

June 16, 2023
Learn how to spot the different feeding signs of alfalfa weevils and aphids, and why it's important to identify all insects present in an alfalfa field before applying chemical control.

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Poison hemlock
Extremely toxic to both animals and humans, poison hemlock can be found statewide in Nebraska and is most toxic right before the fruits mature. (Photo courtesy Oregon Department of Agriculture)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Low Hay Stocks, Grazing Shifts, Toxic Pasture Plants

June 13, 2023
With the lowest level of hay stocks since 1974, extension educators stress the importance of taking inventory of feed and hay resources, and to begin planning for next year's needs right now. 

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Black grass bug
Whitish spots (stippling) are an indication of black grass bugs feeding, which can be managed by intense spring and fall grazing, hay removal, and foliar insecticides for severe infestations. (Photo courtesy Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Irrigating First Cutting Alfalfa, Black Grass Bugs and Short Pastures

June 9, 2023
This week — irrigation strategies for moisture-stressed alfalfa prior to first cutting, controlling black grass bugs in wheatgrass, and techniques for stretching pasture.

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Leafy spurge
An effective strategy for controlling leafy spurge is to pair spring applications that prevent seed production with a fall treatment to control new growth.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Controlling Alfalfa Weevil and Leafy Spurge, First Cutting Alfalfa

June 1, 2023
With first cutting alfalfa to begin soon, extension educators discuss the importance of scouting for alfalfa weevils to mitigate yield losses and strategies for timing harvest, plus control options for leafy spurge.

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Alfalfa field
Spring drought can result in stressed alfalfa from aggressive weed growth, resulting in thinner stands and lower yields. View the options for herbicide control in post-emergent and established alfalfa below.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Weevil, Weed Control and Summer Pasture Turn-out

May 4, 2023
This week — Controlling alfalfa weeds with post-emergent herbicides, scouting for alfalfa weevil, and planning the date and pastures for spring turn-out.

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