Army cutworm larvae in a hand

Army Cutworm Scouting Urged in Western Nebraska Wheat and Alfalfa

March 6, 2024
With recent warm weather, army cutworms have been spotted in southern Sioux County and central Lincoln County. Producers should begin scouting for this pest to mitigate crop damage, particularly in winter wheat and alfalfa.

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Mature wheat field
Historical crop values for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Crop Values for 2023

February 27, 2024
While the overall value of Nebraska's 2023 crops is down 11% from 2022, the state's winter wheat production value is up 16%.

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Gated fence on Nebraska pasture
Drought adds another layer of complication to the process of establishing fair pasture rental rates. Landowners renting pasture in severe drought-impacted regions might consider pricing leases based on grazing animal unit months or rent per head per month of grazing, rather than flat rates per acre or cow-calf pair.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Pasture Leasing Rates and Alfalfa Winter Survival

February 22, 2024
Extension educators share insights on establishing pasture rental rates and selecting alfalfa seed for winter survival traits.

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Hereford cow and calf in field eating hay
A cow's energy requirements increase about 30% and protein needs nearly double after calving. Because of this, it's important to use your best quality forages with any needed supplements to provide adequate nutrition.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Feed After Calving, Adding Legumes to Pastures

February 12, 2024
Tips on meeting nutrient requirements of cows after calving season and improving pasture production by frost seeding or interseeding legumes.

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Proso millet and peas side by side
Historical crop production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska 2023 Annual Crop Production Summary

January 18, 2024
Proso millet took the lead for 2023 crop production in Nebraska, increasing 203% over the prior year. Dry edible pea and sorghum estimates also reflect a significant boost in the state's production, increasing 178% and 139%, respectively.

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Calculator on top of tax paperwork
The last day for farmers and ranchers to file taxes is Friday, March 1, 2024.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Record-keeping for Taxes, Selecting Alfalfa Varieties

January 9, 2024
It's time for another tax season. Agricultural Economics Extension Educator Shannon Sand shares tips on getting prepared for the March 1 deadline. Plus, considerations for selecting alfalfa varieties.

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Cattle eating hay during winter
One of the cheapest natural sources of protein, alfalfa hay is highly digestible and can increase consumption of low-quality feeds, making it a great supplement for winter diets.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Grazing After Fall Fertilizers, Using Alfalfa as Protein Supplement

December 6, 2023
Extension insights on grazing crop residue following fertilizer applications and using alfalfa as a protein supplement in winter feed.

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Irrigating alfalfa field during autumn
For irrigated alfalfa, targeted fall irrigation may help the long-term strength of the stand, as well as refill soil profiles that were depleted during the summer.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing and Fall Irrigation of Alfalfa

October 18, 2023
The pros and cons of grazing fall alfalfa, and capturing the benefits of targeted fall alfalfa irrigation after a dry year. 

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