Irrigation Research

People gather around computer near field
Checking on results from soil probes in the field are Homnath Ghimire, intern ( left), Dr. Mohamed Khalil, Nebraska Extension faculty, and graduate student Sujani De Silva. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Field Tours and More at the Annual P.A.R.T.T.

August 15, 2024
Attendance is free for the tours, which will feature presentations by UNL researchers on alternative crop production, nutrient management for sugarbeets and dry beans, university irrigation studies and more.

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UNL-TAPS: Reflections on Seven Years of Irrigation and Nitrogen Management

April 11, 2024
Extension insights on the year-to-year variability in corn yield response to irrigation and nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates throughout seven years of the TAPS sprinkler irrigated corn competition.

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Pathfinder Dam as water rushes
The Pathfinder Dam overflows in 2016. Reclamation will release water over the dam in years with abundant rainfall. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Nebraska Extension Hosts Yonts Water Conference in April

March 29, 2024
This year's Yonts Water Conference will include insights on new irrigation technologies, 2024 weather and basin runoff outlooks, plus an update on the Goshen/Gering-Fort Laramie canal tunnel replacements.

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3-D drawing of large facility
Aerial rendering of the $160 million USDA laboratory building and greenhouse facility that will be built at Nebraska Innovation Campus. (IANR News image)

University Leaders Thank Federal Delegation for USDA Ag Research Facility Investment

March 29, 2024
A $25 million investment from USDA ARS will fund construction of a new research facility at UNL's Innovation Campus, dedicated to the development of ag tech and precision agriculture tools.

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Center pivot running over field
A center-pivot irrigation system waters a cornfield near Adams, Nebraska, about 45 minutes south of Lincoln. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication and Marketing)

Husker Study Finds Aquifer Depletion Threatens Crop Yields

February 1, 2024
Researchers involved in this study found that an aquifer’s depletion can curb crop yields even when it appears saturated enough to meet irrigation demands, and yield losses intensify when an aquifer drops below certain thresholds.

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Corn field under center pivot
A water-saving strategy, deficit irrigation represents an important concept in managing water use through irrigation as groundwater depletion rises across the U.S.

The Economics of Deficit Irrigation Utilizing Soil Moisture Probes

December 15, 2023
Cornhusker Economics experts examine the financial impact on producers using a deficit irrigation strategy in corn.

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Soybean field
With a growing population, growing demand for resources and increasing disruptions to water and food systems, it is vital to find sustainable and practical ways to overcome food and water security challenges. (IANR News photo)

Water for Food Marks Global Impact in Annual Report

December 14, 2023
The Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute's recent report highlights numerous initiatives in ongoing water management advances, including a water and nutrient application decision-support tool for farmers.

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Center pivot running over field
Research demonstrates that investing in nozzle replacement will not only mitigate potential losses but also provide an opportunity for substantial profit.

The Importance of Maintaining High Uniformity of Water Application of Center Pivot

November 30, 2023
For optimal crop production, it's crucial that a center pivot distributes water uniformly across the field. In this UNL project, researchers studied the impacts of center pivot maintenance in a low-yielding Nebraska field.

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