Irrigation Research

Richard Faflak adjusting pivot valve
Richard Faflak, KZValve mechanical engineer, adjusts a valve at the annual Panhandle Agriculture Research and Technology Tour before a tour group goes by in June. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

UNL, Nebraska Company Collaborate on New Valve for Pivot Irrigation

November 2, 2023
A new pivot valve, created by KZValve of Greenwood, Nebraska, has self-power generating capabilities that could potentially be used in partial variable rate irrigation.

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MICRA project team posing for photo
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln team working on the MICRA project includes (from left) Taro Mieno, agricultural economics; Daniel Schachtman, agronomy and horticulture; Saleh Taghvaeian, biological systems engineering; and Seunghee Kim, civil engineering. (Photo by Nick Kumpula, Research and Economic Development)

Nebraska Part of Interdisciplinary Team Examining Climate Resiliency Through Soil

September 28, 2023
The research team will experiment with soil amendments and biochar to measure their impact on soil water-holding capacity to find ways to improve preservation of soil moisture in farm fields.

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Research team conducts examination in field
(From left) Research team members Matt Girard (CSD intern), Yvon Ukwishaka (SNR graduate student), Sean Kruse (driller's assistant) and Christina Lyons (Beatrice Daily Sun reporter) at Homestead National Historical Park. (School of Natural Resources photo)

Nebraska Water Center Researchers Conduct Statewide Project to Characterize Nitrogen Transformation Beneath the Ground Surface

August 11, 2023
The research team will use their findings to assist ongoing efforts in eliminating nitrate before it reaches groundwater.

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Farmer with tablet near pivot

Irrigation Scheduling Application to Conserve Water Resources

August 9, 2023
UNL researchers are collaborating on the development of a new irrigation scheduling application to optimize the utilization of water resources and predict the accurate amount and time of irrigation water required for crops. 

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Combine and soybean field

Nebraska Growers Help Estimate Field Variability in Soybean Protein and Oil Content

June 14, 2023
First-year results of a cooperative, multi-state research project aimed at helping growers achieve soybean yields with higher protein and oil content.

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Stansell receiving check
Members of the Husker Venture Fund awarded the first investment of $25,000 to Jackson Stansell, a biological systems engineering doctoral student at Nebraska. The HVF is a student-led venture capital fund that invests in Nebraska-owned early-stage startups. Pictured from left are students and managing directors of the fund Keith Nordling, Adam Folsom and Emily Kist, alongside Stansell. (Photo by Garrett Stolz)

UNL Doctoral Student Develops Software Platform to Improve Nitrogen Applications

March 10, 2022
Stansell's research utilized crop canopy image data to apply nitrogen fertilizer more efficiently, and resulted in a 25% boost in efficiency and a savings of 45 pounds of nitrogen per acre.

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Trenton Franz in field
A research paper by Trenton Franz, associate professor of hydrogeophysics at Nebraska, and co-authors points to an innovative irrigation approach that could decrease water use while increasing producer profitability. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

Husker Researchers Develop Tool to Make Irrigation More Efficient

March 10, 2022
A research paper by University of Nebraska–Lincoln scientists points to an innovative irrigation approach that offers promise to decrease water use while increasing producer profitability.

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Drop sprinklers on a center-pivot irrigation system in corn
Drop sprinklers on a center-pivot irrigation system in corn

Central Plains Irrigation Conference Feb. 20-21

January 29, 2018
Improved irrigation efficiency, management and regulations, and new technologies will all be addressed at the Central Plains Irrigation Conference Feb. 20-21 in Kansas. Celebrating its 30th year, the conference offers technical and practical information to help farmers manage water resources.

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