Participants and presenters at the 2015 Nebraska Soybean Management Field Day
Participants and presenters at the 2015 Nebraska Soybean Management Field Day

Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 9-12

July 29, 2016
Management is the key word for the 2016 Soybean Management Field Days which will address some of the big challenges that each farm must manage — water, weeds, fertility, pests and markets. The events will be Aug. 9 near Orchard, Aug. 10 near Chapman, Aug. 11 near Cordova, and Aug. 12 near Schuyler.

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Soybean aphid speed scouting app
Soybean aphid speed scouting app

Soybean Aphid Scouting and Management

July 28, 2016

The current recommended economic threshold for late vegetative through R5 stage soybeans is 250 aphids per plant with 80% of the plants infested and populations increasing. Depending on economic conditions, this generally gives you about five to seven days to schedule treatment before populations reach economically damaging levels.

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Soybean Aphid
Soybean Aphid

Soybean Aphids Found in Northeast Nebraska; Scouting Warranted

July 28, 2016

This week soybean aphids were found in several northeast Nebraska fields at low numbers. Although it has been too hot for soybean aphids to thrive, populations could quickly increase with cooler temperatures. Scouting is recommended at this time.

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White mold in soybean
White mold in soybean

Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold) in Soybean: What to Look For

July 28, 2016
This article explores how to identify Sclerotinia stem rot (white mold) in soybean fields and differentiate it from other diseases which also may be occurring at this time.

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Soybean aphid
Soybean aphid

Decision Making for Soybean Defoliating Insects

July 15, 2016
July is when growers start to see a variety of defoliators in Nebraska soybean fields. It's easy to overestimate the amount of defoliation and soybean plants can compensate for some leaf area loss. This article describes how to assess defoliation and provides basic treatment thresholds.

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Soybean defoliation levels
Figure 1. Levels of soybean defoliation. Impact of losing leaf area depends on growth stage.

Soybean Defoliation Worksheet

July 13, 2016

While soybean defoliation, the most common injury to soybeans from insects, can look devastating, soybean plants can often compensate for the leaf loss. When making pest-management decisions, crucial considerations are the size of the remaining leaf canopy and the soybeans' growth stage.

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UNL Soybean Management Calendar SoyCal
UNL Soybean Management Calendar SoyCal

Check SoyCal for Timely Soybean Pest & Management Info

July 8, 2016
UNL's Soybean Management Calendar -- SoyCal -- offers location-based, timely information to guide your field scouting and pest identification efforts.

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Soybean roots with smaller soybean cyst nematode (SCN) cysts (red arrows) and larger nitrogen nodules (blue arrows).
Soybean roots with smaller soybean cyst nematode (SCN) cysts (red arrows) and larger nitrogen nodules (blue arrows).

SCN Scouting Recommendation Changes; SCN Resistance Possible

July 8, 2016
Mid-summer is an effective time to scout for soybean cyst nematode (SCN) using either the visual or soil test method. This story describes both methods. If SCN is identified, a follow-up soil test approximately six years later can help assess effectiveness of treatment efforts as well as identify SCN resistance.

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