Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic Report May 15-24

May 24, 2017

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Crop Progress as of 4/30/17

USDA NASS: Corn Planting at 34%, Soybean at 8%

May 1, 2017
Despite rainy cold conditions that moved in mid week, corn planting moved to 34% complete as of Sunday April 30, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Services weekly Crop Progress and Condition Report. Eight percent of the soybean crop had been planted. For the week ending April 30, temperatures averaged eight to ten degrees below normal, according to the report. Significant rainfall of one inch or more was recorded across most counties. Moderate snow, averaging two to four inches, was recorded in south central and northeastern counties at the end of the week.

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Nebraska Soybean and Corn Field Guide Cover

New Pocket Field Guide for Nebraska Soybean and Corn Growers

April 28, 2017
Nebraska farmers now have a new field resource to aid in identifying plant and pest problems in their soybean and corn fields. The Nebraska Soybean and Corn Pocket Field Guide provides information and photos to help farmers identify problems they may encounter during the growing season. The 380-page pocket-sized production guide was produced by a team of University of Nebraska researchers and Extension faculty, and funded by the Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB), Nebraska Corn Board (NCB), and the United Soybean Board (USB). Editors were Jim Specht, soybean physiologist/geneticist and University of Nebraska professor emeritus, and Tom Hoegemeyer, corn breeder and UNL adjunct professor of practice.

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Field with giant ragweed at early treatment stage

Considerations for Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Soybeans: Spring Burndown

April 28, 2017
One of the challenges with spring burndown application is timing. Wet and windy conditions can delay spraying and under these conditions weeds can grow significantly in a few days. Waiting until planting to spray troublesome weeds such as marestail may be too late to achieve adequate control. In addition, waiting until soybean planting limits the available herbicide options since there are relatively few labeled effective burndown chemicals for spraying at this time. The following section identifies key treatment aspects to consider for several resistant varieties in Nebraska.

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soybean seedling

Timing is Critical with Pre-Emergence Flumioxazin-Based Herbicides in Soybeans

April 26, 2017
Soybean planting has started in Nebraska and it’s time to apply pre-emergence herbicides. Six weeds have evolved resistance to glyphosate in Nebraska. The best way to effectively control resistant and other hard-to-control weeds is by applying residual, pre-emergence herbicides with multiple effective modes of action. Several new herbicides recently registered in soybean are in this category and could be considered.

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Table of USDA NASS Crop Progress for Nebraska

Above Normal Temps Lead to Jump in Corn Planting Progress

April 25, 2017

With temperatures averaging two to four degrees above normal for the week ending April 23, corn planting was well underway and soybean planting had started in Nebraska, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Meat thermometer measuring soil temperature

Corn, Soybean Planting Considerations for this Week’s Cold Snap

April 24, 2017
With nighttime lows predicted to drop several nights this week, growers are advised to cautiously assess the potential for germination problems due to imbibitional chilling before planting. Agronomists advise checking soil temperatures in each field the day of planting as well as forecast temperatures for 24 hours (soybeans) or 48 hours (corn) after planting.

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Field of soybeans
Figure 1. If a fomesafen-based herbicide (Flexstar/ Flexstar GT/ Marvel/Rumble) was applied in soybean in 2016, maintain 10 months of planting interval to corn this year.

Planting Interval of Corn after Previous Year's Soybean Herbicides

April 21, 2017
Corn-soybean is the most common cropping system in eastern Nebraska. While corn growers are getting ready for planting this season, it is important to pay attention to the planting interval of herbicides applied the previous year in soybean. Certain soybean herbicides have relatively longer planting intervals for corn, especially if they are applied post-emergence in soybean. This is particularly important because soybean planting was late last year in much of Nebraska due to May rains. This caused postemergence herbicides to be applied later in the season than they might normally be, making it important that you pay attention to the planting interval.

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