Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold) in Soybean: What to Look For
July 28, 2016
This article explores how to identify Sclerotinia stem rot (white mold) in soybean fields and differentiate it from other diseases which also may be occurring at this time.
Decision Making for Soybean Defoliating Insects
July 15, 2016
July is when growers start to see a variety of defoliators in Nebraska soybean fields. It's easy to overestimate the amount of defoliation and soybean plants can compensate for some leaf area loss. This article describes how to assess defoliation and provides basic treatment thresholds.
Soybean Defoliation Worksheet
July 13, 2016
While soybean defoliation, the most common injury to soybeans from insects, can look devastating, soybean plants can often compensate for the leaf loss. When making pest-management decisions, crucial considerations are the size of the remaining leaf canopy and the soybeans' growth stage.
Check SoyCal for Timely Soybean Pest & Management Info
July 8, 2016
UNL's Soybean Management Calendar -- SoyCal -- offers location-based, timely information to guide your field scouting and pest identification efforts.
SCN Scouting Recommendation Changes; SCN Resistance Possible
July 8, 2016
Mid-summer is an effective time to scout for soybean cyst nematode (SCN) using either the visual or soil test method. This story describes both methods. If SCN is identified, a follow-up soil test approximately six years later can help assess effectiveness of treatment efforts as well as identify SCN resistance.
Japanese Beetles Emerging; Identification Key to Management
July 1, 2016
Japanese beetle adults are beginning to emerge in eastern Nebraska and have been reported feeding in corn and soybean. Here's how to differentiate them from the look-alike sand chafers and treatment thresholds to determine when treatment is recommended.
Impacts of Extreme Heat Stress and Increased Soil Temperature on Plant Growth and Development
June 21, 2016
Both corn and soybean are susceptible to extreme heat (and water) stress during early vegetative stages as well as later critical growth stages (pollination for corn and flowering for soybean). Extreme heat stress can reduce plant photosynthetic and transpiration efficiencies and negatively impact plant root development, which collectively can negatively impact yield. The author recommends that during an extended heat wave (air temperature equal to or greater than 90 F for 7-10 days), applying 0.25-0.40 inch of water can be very beneficial.
Herbicide Injury and Pathogen Infection on Soybean Seedlings
June 17, 2016
In an ongoing survey for soilborne pathogens in soybeans, closer examination of soybean seedling injury in a Keith County field found several causes, including herbicide injury and damping off from Fusarium or Rhizoctonia root rot.