Nitrogen Management

Loading corn silage after harvest
In addition to associated costs, producers considering harvesting drought-stressed corn should also evaluate the impact of doing so on future crop production before making a final decision.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Understanding Nitrate Scores, Corn Silage Pricing

September 6, 2023
Extension educators review the importance of understanding nitrate and nitrate nitrogen scores in forage test results, how to price corn silage to salvage drought-stressed crops, and selecting winter annual forages.

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Ron and Brad Makovicka standing in field

Growing Results: Nitrogen Fertilization in Soybeans

August 25, 2023
Learn about the Makovickas' 2023 on-farm research, which includes studying how soybeans in high-yield environments respond to supplemental nitrogen.

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Hairy vetch

Influence of Cover Crop Species and Termination Time on N Release

August 1, 2023
Results of a UNL study evaluating the impact of cereal rye and hairy vetch cover crop termination times on their decomposition and nitrogen release.

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Software field imagery

Growing Results: Nitrogen Management in Corn

July 27, 2023
Learn about current on-farm research efforts by a central Nebraska producer that aim to identify the impact of nitrogen rates on net return.

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Producer analyzing fertigation system
Beginning July 31, the Sunset Seminar series will give producers across the state a chance to see the results of image-based nitrogen management research conducted by Nebraska farmers in 2023.

Sunset Seminars to Explore Capabilities and Impacts of Image-based Nitrogen Management

July 13, 2023
Free to attend, the Sunset Seminars will provide growers and agronomists a look at results from several Nebraska producers who have trialed Sentinel Fertigation's new N-Time™ software this growing season.

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Alfalfa and corn fields
As it aggressively scavenges nitrogen in the soil, alfalfa can greatly reduce nitrate contamination of groundwater with no negative implications for future crops if planted in rotations.

Alfalfa in Rotation with Annual Crops Reduces Nitrate Leaching Potential and Increases Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration

March 30, 2023
This UNL research study provides insights on the rotation of annual crops with alfalfa as a highly effective means of reducing nitrate-nitrogen contamination in groundwater.

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Tractor spraying soil
For producers planting corn-on-corn this growing season, Nebraska Extension encourages taking soil samples to determine accurate nitrate levels and adjusting N application rates accordingly, as there may be considerable amounts of residual nitrogen left from the previous corn crop.

Understanding Soil Residual Nitrogen and its Dollar Value for Next Crop

March 14, 2023
For producers planning corn-on-corn this growing season, there may be a substantial opportunity to reduce nitrogen fertilizer applications, as drought and reduced yields likely left higher-than-normal residual N in many fields.

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Farmers discuss ag tech
Taylor Cross (right), a graduate student in mechanized systems management, speaks with Nebraska ag producers Doug Jones (left) and Tony Jones about the sensor-based fertigation management technology that’s been shown to increase nitrogen-use efficiency and profitability in on-farm research. (Photo courtesy Nebraska Today | Hannah Gaebel Dorn, HG Images)

Sensor-based Fertigation Management Research Boosts Efficiency, Profitability

March 9, 2023
Tested on cornfields in eastern Nebraska, the study's sensor-based fertigation produced about 44 pounds more grain per pound of nitrogen than traditional methods, with an increase in profitability ranging from $28-$40 per acre.

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