Nitrogen Management

Software screen
A variable rate nitrogen prescription is applied on Monte Murkel’s Nebraska farm as part of a Nebraska On-Farm Research study to evaluate how optimum nitrogen rate varied in his field.

Farmer Focus: Wheat Producer Explores NinjaAg’s Performance in Nitrogen Management

October 12, 2022
Results of Nebraska farmer Monte Murkle's on-farm research study to determine whether a variable rate nitrogen prescription is an improvement to his traditional flat-rate nitrogen management.

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Cornstalk sample cutting

Using a Cornstalk Nitrate Test to Evaluate Nitrogen Management Decisions

September 29, 2022
At the end of the season, a nitrate test can help determine whether the crop was under-, adequately or over-fertilized with nitrogen, resulting in the potential to significantly reduce input costs.

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Departure from normal precip 2022
Figure 1. Departure from normal precipitation during 2022 growing season in Nebraska.

Another Dry Year: What to Know About Leftover Nitrogen in Soil Following Dry Conditions

September 28, 2022
In irrigated or dryland areas with normal production, management practices may continue as normal, but for dryland areas with drastic yield reductions, there is potential for nitrogen fertilizer adjustment for the 2023 crop.

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4R field day attendees
Javed Iqbal, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture assistant professor and Extension soil nutrient management and water quality specialist, presents updated research on nitrogen source management, and nitrogen rate using publicly available nitrogen recommendation tools at the 2022 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day.

4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Featured Nutrient Management and Water Quality Research

August 2, 2022
The annual 4R Nutrient Stewardship Field Day featured research and tools on improving nutrient management, sulfur management, nitrogen use efficiency and more.

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Irrigation circles

2022 Bazile Groundwater Management Field Day on June 30

June 17, 2022
Northeast Nebraska farmers and ag professionals will learn about tools they can implement to mitigate nitrogen loss at this free event.

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Aerial view of field
The 2022 NUE Workshop with be held Aug. 1–3 hosted by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

Nebraska to Host National Nitrogen Use Efficiency Workshop Aug. 1–3

June 8, 2022
Hosted by UNL this year, the free workshop will feature water and nitrogen management concerns such as crop modeling, climatology and N unpredictability, soil health and NUE indicators, and new technologies.

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Kudera in field
Photo courtesy Kevin Kudera

Farmer Focus: Nebraska Growers Put Pivot Bio to the Test Via On-Farm Research Studies

April 7, 2022
This first installment of Nebraska On-Farm Research's new series highlights research done by two Nebraska farm families and a crop consultant on Pivot Bio products.

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New UNL Manure Nitrogen Crediting Recommendations for Crop Fertility

April 4, 2022
This UNL Water article breaks down the new recommendations for crediting nitrogen following manure applications and how this will impact Nebraska growers.

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