Nebraska State Climate Office

Nebraska map showing median dates for 30 F freeze in spring
Figure 1. Median date of last 30°F temperature in spring. (Source: Nebraska State Climate Office)

Nebraska Springs Trending to Warmer and Wetter Conditions

April 14, 2017
Nebraska climatologists discuss changing conditions in the state, identifying a trend toward slightly warmer and wetter springs. Three maps show median and early and last freeze dates across the state.

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saturated corn field

Potential Impact on Crops from Changes in Spring Climate Trends

April 7, 2017
A shift toward warmer and wetter springs may create opportunities and also challenges for Nebraska farmers. The change may alter the timing of many agricultural processes, management decisions, pest pressures as well as growing season length. This article outlines potential impacts and their effects in a number of these areas.

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Nebraska State Climate Office website
Nebraska State Climate Office website

Nebraska State Climate Office Launches Websites

September 21, 2016
The Nebraska State Climate Office has launched two new sites offering weather data (current and historical) and more reporting locations and for some, hourly updates.

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Number of degree day units over 86
Number of degree day units over 86

Data Shows Timing of Temperature Extremes in June and July

August 18, 2016
This summer's temperature extremes are studied in more detail, with a focus on the number of days where highs exceeded 86 F and a forecast for cooler temperatures the second half of August.

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Ag community answers: What do you want from NSCO?

July 15, 2016

The newly formed Nebraska State Climate Office has set a goal of producing usable products with the information it collects through its statewide weather network, the Nebraska Mesonet.

To see where it should put its focus first, NSCO conducted a four-week survey of agriculture industry representatives through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension CropWatch.

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UNL Survey Asks: What Weather and Climate Information Do You Need?

March 9, 2016

The new Nebraska State Climate Office is seeking input from the state’s agriculture industry—from crop and livestock producers to consultants, agribusiness, schools, and government agencies—regarding how they use climate information and what data and tools they would like to use, if developed.

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Nebraska State Climate Office Staff
Nebraska State Climate Office Staff

IANR Establishes Nebraska State Climate Office

January 6, 2016
The UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources has established the Nebraska State Climate Office to serve as the primary source of climate information for Nebraska. Initially, the office will be focusing on identifying services, monitoring climate, and developing tools for user engagement, especially in the agriculture sector, including contributing to CropWatch.

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