Harvester in soybean field
Combine calibration is a crucial step for keeping grain losses at acceptable levels.

How to Estimate Harvest Losses in Soybean and Corn Fields

October 5, 2023
Knowing where grain losses occur is key to keeping them as low as possible — in this article, extension educators review how to calculate pre-harvest and at-harvest grain losses to determine the source.

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Man leaning against implement in field
If you or someone you know needs help this harvest season, contact Farm Rescue or apply online using the link below. (Photo courtesy Farm Rescue)

Farm Rescue: Helping Farm and Ranch Families in Crisis

October 3, 2023
For farmers and ranchers who have experienced a major illness, injury or natural disaster, Farm Rescue volunteers are available to help during this harvest season.

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Corn field at harvest
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Corn Harvest at 22%, Soybean Harvest at 29%

October 2, 2023
As of Oct. 1, harvest for all Nebraska crops continued at or above average pace.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Push Test for Corn Stalk Rot

September 29, 2023
Nebraska Extension Educator Amy Timmerman explains how to conduct a push test to identify stalk rot before harvesting your corn fields.

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Corn field at harvest
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Harvest 2023 Ahead of Average Pace

September 27, 2023
Harvest of Nebraska crops was ahead of average pace as of Sept. 24, with the exception of dry edible beans, which remained slightly behind last year's progress.

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Combine harvesting corn with grain truck
Featured speakers in this webinar include Marcelo Castillo, USDA research economist, Brian Lisonbee, Lisonbee Immigration Law attorney/owner, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Elliott Dennis, UNL assistant professor and livestock economist.

Seasonal Labor and Immigration for Livestock and Crop Producers

September 22, 2023
For ag producers interested in hiring seasonal labor, this webinar focuses on the state of ag labor and historical use, an overview of visa requirements, procedures, compliance and employer obligations.

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Combine in field
In addition to equipment and operational costs, the number of acres to be harvested, time, the availability of good custom operators in your area, and harvest efficiency all contribute to making an economic decision on hiring custom work. (Center for Ag photo)

Harvest Operations: Own It or Hire It?

September 22, 2023
A review of custom rates in 2022 and how to use the Ag Budget Calculator to determine what custom operators may be charging this year.

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Tractor in on-farm research field

Growing Results: Direct Harvest of Dry Beans

September 20, 2023
As part of this year's studies, the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is partnering with Nebraska farmers to evaluate which dry bean varieties are best-suited for direct harvest. 

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