Burned combine
Due to Nebraska's intense drought conditions, which increase the risk for combine fires, Nebraska Extension urges producers to take every precaution available to harvest safely this year.

Preventing and Responding to Combine Fires

September 29, 2023
As crop residue starts the majority of combine fires, it's vital to clean equipment every day after harvesting, allow it to cool off before storing inside a machine shed, and avoid harvesting when conditions are at peak fire risk.

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Alfalfa harvest

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Irrigation and Last Cutting, Winter Annual Brome Control

September 8, 2022
Tips on scheduling final irrigation and last cutting for alfalfa this fall, and controlling cheatgrass and wild oats in pastures.

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To put up good quality hay from summer annual grasses like sorghum-sudan hybrids, remember this motto: "Cut it early, cut it high. Crimp the stems and they will dry." (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Options for Wet Hay Meadow, Harvesting Summer Annual Forages

July 20, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators share tips and techniques for addressing wet hay meadows and summer annual forages at harvest time, plus info on this year's Nebraska Grazing Conference.

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Thunderstorm over pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Rain and Hail Damage, Preventing Window Disease

June 20, 2022
Extension insights on reducing rain damage to hay, assessing hail damage to forage crops, and preventing window disease in alfalfa. 

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When selecting a summer annual forage to plant, base your choice primarily on whether you plan to use it for pasture, hay or silage. For example, this sorghum-sudangrass would be best used as hay, due to its yield and feed value. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Cool-season Annuals and Alfalfa Harvest, Selecting Summer Forage

May 24, 2022
The time to harvest cool-season annuals, perennial forages and alfalfa first cutting is quickly approaching. Read these extension tips to get prepared for spring harvest and summer forages.

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harvested soybeans in a grain trailer
United Soybean Board

The Economics of Corn and Soybean Harvest Moisture

October 13, 2023
A review of the financial implications of beginning harvest and harvesting through varying moisture levels to help producers determine the optimal time to begin harvest.

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Harvesting dry edible beans
Dry edible bean harvest by undercutting the bean plant roots and placing cut plants in a windrow. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Dry Edible Bean Harvest Underway in the Panhandle

September 14, 2021
The overall crop in the region looks very good, despite severe weather and some hail earlier in the year across the growing region.

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Combine collage
Top: Combining weedy dry beans. Bottom left: Palmer amaranth in dry beans. (Photo by Gary Stone). Bottom right: Combine cleanout. (Photo by Meaghan Anderson)

Combine Clean Out Can Help Reduce Weed Spread

August 25, 2021
With increasing pressure from herbicide-resistant weeds such as kochia and introduced herbicide-resistant weeds such as Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, it is important to reduce spreading of weed seed. Doing a limited cleaning between fields and choosing which fields to harvest first can be an important factor in this endeavor.

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