Preparing Yourself for Corn Under $3 Per Bushel
August 3, 2020
The market rally following the June 30 USDA Acreage report has come and gone. So, now what? This article will discuss the price probabilities for the last half of 2020 and how to prepare for farm survival.
Revenue Protection Crop Insurance and Hedging in 2020
July 8, 2020
With the uncertainty revolving around COVID-19, grain marketing has come to the forefront of many producers’ minds. "At current price levels should I hedge my crop?”
Grain Marketing 2020: Survival and COVID-19
May 1, 2020
Let’s state the obvious: this isn’t a typical year and we all know it. This article will discuss how to build a marketing strategy to assure that the farm continues to the next crop year.
Beware of the “Texas Hedge”
April 13, 2020
Some of you may be wondering, in this rising wheat market “Why not place a long hedge or purchase a call option?”, while also holding unpriced grain either in the field or in the grain bin.
Tips for TAPS: 2020 Winter Wheat Marketing Strategies
January 17, 2020
Since the start of the 2019 UNL-TAPS wheat marketing competition, the July 2020 Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat Contract has rallied over $0.70 per bushel. So, what are some marketing strategies given the current market price?
New Workshop to Focus on Managing Risk and Reward
November 21, 2019
This workshop shows the importance of using two tools ― a grain marketing plan and crop insurance ― together to aid farm survival.
Cornhusker Economics: Further Thoughts on the Brazilian Grain Market, Its Competitiveness and Its Challenges
November 20, 2019
Take a closer look at the biggest challenges for Brazil's ag industry ― transportation and infrastructure ― and how changes being made will improve its ability to compete in the global market.
Writing a Marketing Plan for Your Stored Grain
October 22, 2019
The farmers most successful at marketing their grain often sell smaller quantities throughout the year, using a grain-marketing plan to stay on top of their final average price. Check out these five steps to writing your grain marketing plan.