Preparing Yourself for Corn Under $3 Per Bushel

August 3, 2020

Preparing Yourself for Corn Under $3 Per Bushel

By Cory Walters - Extension Grain Economist, Jessica Groskopf - Extension Educator for Agricultural Economics

corn field with center pivot irrigation
Photo by Glennis McClure

The market rally following the June 30 USDA Acreage report has come and gone. So, now what? This article will discuss the price probabilities for the last half of 2020 and how to prepare for farm survival.

The period of late July into early August, when the crop size is becoming clearer, occurs when the December corn (CZ) futures price starts to take a direction, up or down.  In most years, prices will tip slightly down as crop size and use end up around what was expected.  Dips can be larger due to reductions in use and/or larger crops. Now is the time to clean out your bins of the remaining old crop, and start developing a post-harvest strategy for your 2020 corn.

So, where will the market end up?

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