Crop Production

Youth at Youth Agronomy Field Day
Figure 1. Brad Ramsdale, professor of agronomy at the Nebraska College for Technical Agriculture, discusses plant and weed identification with a group of youth at a previous Youth Agronomy FIeld Day. (Photos by Kathy Burr)

Agronomy Youth Field Day Aug. 8 at Curtis

June 28, 2018
Curiosity is key to learning and the Aug. 8 Agronomy Youth Field Day offers a myriad of opportunities for youth to explore, learn, talk with kid-friendly experts, and consider careers in agronomic fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

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Crop production and pest and water management will be among the topics at Crop Production Clinics to be held at nine sites across the state in January.
Crop production and pest and water management will be among the topics at Crop Production Clinics to be held at nine sites across the state in January.

Crop Production Clinics Jan. 4-19 across Nebraska

December 8, 2016

This year's Nebraska Crop Production Clinics feature agronomic, pest management, and farm management information to help growers make smart research-based decisions to improve their bottom line. Clinics will be held at nine sites across the state, starting with Gering on Jan. 4 and ending with Kearney on Jan. 19.

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Hongfeng Yu (from left), Yufeng Ge and Harkamal Walia have received a National Science Foundation grant to develop a multi-wavelength laser ranging and imaging instrument for phenotyping plant shoots at the whole-plant level. (Hailey Steinkuhler/IANR Media)
Hongfeng Yu (from left), Yufeng Ge and Harkamal Walia have received a National Science Foundation grant to develop a multi-wavelength laser ranging and imaging instrument for phenotyping plant shoots at the whole-plant level. (Hailey Steinkuhler/IANR Media)

NSF Grant to Support Development of New Phenotyping Instrument at UNL

May 16, 2016
With support from a National Science Foundation grant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers are developing a new tool that will help them better identify plant characteristics that are critical to improving crop performance.

The three-year, $534,194 grant will be used to develop an instrument that will improve capacity, sensitivity and throughput for plant phenotyping. 

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