Crop Production

Program flier

Confronting Cropping Challenges Program to be Offered in December 2021

November 17, 2021
The fifth annual Confronting Cropping Challenges program will highlight cropping issues for northeast Nebraska producers throughout 2021, such as fall armyworms and tar spot.

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Nebraska’s June 2021 Acreage Report

July 1, 2021
Sorghum planted is up 44% from 2020 in Nebraska. Corn planted is down 5% from last year, and soybean planted is up 4%. Read more on estimated acreage plantings from June's survey.

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Tractor in field

Growers Statewide to Share On-Farm Research via In Person and Online Events

January 29, 2021
The February meetings will feature discussion from growers who conducted on-farm research during the 2020 growing season.

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Nebraska Extension Offering Its First Ever Crops Practicum

January 30, 2020
The Nebraska Crops Practicum is a hands-on educational program that highlights research, techniques and technologies used in agricultural research, pest management and sustainable agriculture while encouraging best management practices to improve farm efficiency and profitability. Registration ends March 5th.

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tractor filling a field

Strategic Tillage for the Improvement of No-Till Cropping Systems

January 21, 2020
The practice of OT once in 5 to 10 years or more is not likely to adversely affect no-till systems. However, to be beneficial, the OT has to be well-planned and implemented to target a well-characterized problem such as a weed control or compaction problem.

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Thistle caterpillar on a soybean leaf
Figure 1. Thistle caterpillar feeding will be one topic covered at the Confronting Cropping Challenges meetings. (Photo by Aaron Nygren)

Confronting Cropping Challenges Program Starts Dec. 16

December 5, 2019
Farmers in northeast Nebraska will have an opportunity to learn from cropping issues they may have faced in 2019, make plans for 2020, and renew their private pesticide applicator license at the Confronting Cropping Challenges programs Dec. 16-20.

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Corn seeds germinating in soil
If you're unsure what corn hybrids will mature before average killing frost in your region of Nebraska, use the U2U GDD tool to compare scenarios of hybrids and planting dates for your location.

Corn Hybrid Maturities and Late Planting

May 24, 2024
Still planting corn and wanting to change to a different hybrid maturity? Here are some things to consider and a tool that can help you assess which hybrid options are likely to mature before an average fall freeze date for your location.

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sunset on Nebraska farm
Research from Nebraska's Suat Irmak and Meetpal Kukal has analyzed links among growing-season duration, heat accumulation and ag yields across the contiguous United States. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

115 Years of Data Reveal Longer Growing Season, Changing Temperature Trends

June 29, 2018
The past century of climate change has extended the average U.S. growing season by nearly two weeks but driven annual buildups of yield-stifling heat in the West and Northeast, says new research from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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