Cover Crops

example aerial imagery

Assessing Cover Crop Biomass Using Aerial Imagery: Lessons Learned During the UNL-NRCS Soil Health Initiative

October 15, 2020
Using aerial imagery, a non-destructive and easy-to apply method, we are able to gain insight into cover crop biomass production across an entire field, which would not be possible with traditional, boots-on-the-ground biomass sampling.

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cover crops in a field

Seeding Rates for Broadcasting Cover Crops Into Late-season Corn and Soybean

August 31, 2022
The middle to end of September is a good time to establish cover crops by broadcasting seeds into corn or soybean before harvest, which allows the crop to capture more sunshine, growing degree days and rainfall.

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Cattle in a field

Webinar - Cover Crops in Corn Systems: Opportunities for Dual Use - Set for Sept. 15th

August 27, 2020
Can planting cover crops in corn systems provide the dual benefits of improving soil health and be an economical source of forage? This webinar will cover lessons learned on incorporating cover crops after corn silage, high moisture corn, and dry corn harvest in Nebraska.

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Rye in continuous corn
Rye in continuous corn April 19, 2018 at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Education Center near Mead.

How Much Nitrogen Does My Cover Crop Take Up and When Do I Get It Back?

September 9, 2022
An evaluation on the range of biomass production of cover crops, the amount of nitrogen in their biomass, and their C:N ratio to help inform nutrient changes following cover crops. 

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cereal rye as cover crop in corn field

National Survey Shows a Wide Range of Cover Crop Benefits as Acreage Continues to Expand

August 20, 2020
The most recent survey included perspectives from 1,172 farmers representing every state and included a detailed exploration of “planting green” as well as crop insurance use among cover croppers.

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single crop and mixed cover crops in field

What Are the Benefits of a Cover Crop Mix Versus a Single Species Cover Crop?

July 6, 2020
The decision whether to mix species or plant a single species as a cover crop depends on your goals, time of the year, and costs.

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Corn Green Cereal Rye
Corn planted into green cereal rye in 2020.

Considerations when Planting Green

April 24, 2020
Growers that switched to planting green, say it was much easier to plant compared with planting into the decomposing-dying cover. In spite of these observations, planting green is not for everyone and one needs to assess the risk of doing so.

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Streaming On-Farm Research Logo

Streaming On-Farm Research Offers Live, Timely Results from Research Studies

April 9, 2020
New for the 2020 growing season, Nebraska Extension presents “Streaming On-Farm Research,” a series of short live webinars for farmers and ag professionals. These events will occur weekly, on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Sessions will be 30 minutes, featuring 15 minutes of presentation, and 15 minutes of Q&A.

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