Can planting cover crops in corn systems provide the dual benefits of improving soil health and be an economical source of forage? This webinar will cover lessons learned on incorporating cover crops after corn silage, high moisture corn, and dry corn harvest in Nebraska. The session will consist of short presentations with ample time for questions and discussion.
The webinar will be held via Zoom on September 15th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (central time). This webinar is free but registration is required to participate.
Webinar Presentations - Now Available!
- Soil impacts of planting oats after corn silage and high moisture corn - Lindsey Anderson, Master student in Agronomy and Horticulture at UNL and pathways intern with NRCS.
- Grazing potential and economics of planting oats after corn silage and high moisture corn - Kallie Calus, Master student in Animal Science at UNL
- Impacts of cover crop management on soil health - Sabrina Ruis, Research Assistant Professor, Agronomy and Horticulture with UNL
- Winter hardy cover crops for spring grazing and silage - Mary Drewnoski, Beef Systems Specialist with UNL
If you have questions about this event, contact Mary Drewnoski (, 402-472-6289).
This webinar and the research discussed was made possible due to funding from Nebraska Environmental Trust, SARE, and USDA-NIFA-AFRI.