Cover Crops

Cover crop plantings

Cover Crop Termination Tradeoffs

April 6, 2023
Termination timing of cereal covers can be tricky — while there may not be one "right answer," there are many factors you can consider to make the best decision for your operation. 

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Fall seeded cover crop field
Figure 1. A fall seeded cover crop such as cereal rye can be a great tool for preventing the emergence of horseweed and other winter annual weed species, as well as suppressing early-season waterhemp emergence.

Final Results from a Multi-state Study on Cover Crop Termination with Herbicides

April 8, 2021
Proper spring termination of cover crops is important in order to be able to plant your cash crop successfully, and to prevent competition between crops. 

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Cover crop termination timing chart

Managing Residual Herbicides with Cover Crops

April 8, 2021
This article discusses the fate of residual herbicides applied to crop residue and living cover crops, and how this may influence herbicide effectiveness.

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Conference speakers mugshots

2021 Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference Presentations Available Online

April 1, 2021
This year's conference featured seminars on soiling sensing, using aerial imagery to analyze cover crop impacts, optimizing cover crop investments and more.

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Crop planted in green cover crop
Figure 1. Corn planted into green rye terminated at planting.

Planting Green Questionnaire – Simple Analysis

February 18, 2021
New survey and sharing results from the 2020 survey of Midwestern agriculturalists when planting soybean and corn into green cover crops.

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Herz farm cover crop field

Effects and Economics of Grazing Cover Crops in a Three-Year Non-Irrigated Rotation

February 18, 2021
Nebraska Extension reveals findings from long-term crop and livestock system On-Farm Research study.

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Crop crops in field

Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference Set for Feb. 11

January 29, 2021
The Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference will advise growers on the latest techniques to maximize profit from cover crops in a corn/soybean rotation, including aerial imagery, using cereal rye for weed control, and on-farm research on a three-crop dryland rotation. 

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example aerial imagery

Using Aerial Imagery to Help Determine the Impact of Cover Crops on Cash Crop Growth and Development

October 15, 2020
Through education and on-farm assessment, Nebraska landowners part of the Soil Health Initiative (SHI) are evaluating the effects of diverse cover crop mixtures on both soil properties and agronomic indicators of soil health.

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