Also see: Corn
Nebraska Youth Corn Challenge info flyer

Innovative Youth Corn Challenge 2.0: Registration Open

January 15, 2021
This year's Nebraska Innovative Youth Corn Challenge will feature new tasks designed to challenge participants with real-world scenarios of corn production practices and issues.

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link to Managing Diseases Starts NOW with Seed Selection

Managing Diseases Starts NOW with Seed Selection

November 19, 2020
Now is the perfect time to think about how you can minimize diseases next growing season. Planting disease-resistant hybrids and varieties may be a more economical way to manage certain diseases, reduce disease severity and reduce dependence on pesticides.

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dry bean field

Herbicides for Corn, Dry Bean Rotation in Nebraska

November 6, 2020
Corn is the most common rotational crop planted the year before dry bean in western NE. However, herbicide programs must be chosen with foresight as many corn herbicides can injure dry beans the next season due to crop rotation restrictions.

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Nebraska Harvest Continues Ahead of Average

October 29, 2020
Corn harvest was 76%, soybean harvested was 97% and sorghum harvest was 82%, each well ahead of last year and the average. Winter wheat planted was 98%, but condition was rated 43% good to excellent according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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combine harvesting crops
Photo credit: Craig Chandler

2020 Corn Hybrid Trial Data Available

October 29, 2020
This year, the Nebraska State Variety Trial team resumed corn hybrid trials. These were planted at four rainfed sites (Saunders, Clay, Perkins, and Cheyenne counties) and two irrigated sites (Clay and Perkins counties).

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Nebraska Crop Progress and Condition for Oct. 11

October 11, 2020
Corn harvested was 34% which is ahead of average, while soybean harvest was well ahead of average at 82%, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Winter wheat was 89% planted and 60% emerged. Sorghum harvested was 31% and dry edible beans harvested was 87%.

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Corn, Soybean Harvest Continues Ahead of Normal

October 4, 2020
Corn and soybean harvest continued ahead of the five-year average with 21% of corn and 55% of soybean harvested. Winter wheat planted was 80% (near the average) with 33% emerged, which is behind the average. Sorghum and dry bean harvest were slightly ahead of average, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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grain bins

USDA: Nebraska Small Grain Production and Sept. 1 Grain Stocks

October 1, 2020
Grain stocks for corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum are all down from last year. Winter wheat production, area harvested, planted acres and estimated yields are all down from last year. Oat production, area harvested and planted acres are all up over last year. Read the complete details in this report.

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