2020 Corn Hybrid Trial Data Available

October 29, 2020

2020 Corn Hybrid Trial Data Available

By Amanda Easterly - Research Associate Professor, Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Brian Maust - Agronomy Research Technologist

combine harvesting crops
Photo credit: Craig Chandler

This year, the Nebraska State Variety Trial team resumed corn hybrid trials. These were planted at four rainfed sites (Saunders, Clay, Perkins, and Cheyenne counties) and two irrigated sites (Clay and Perkins counties). Data from these trials will be posted on the CropWatch Corn Variety Test page as it becomes available.

As with much of the state, the hybrid trials faced significant heat stress at flowering, limiting potential yields, and drought in a number of the rainfed sites. The trial in Cheyenne County, in particular, saw very high temperatures at silking and average corn yields across the Panhandle were 30+ bushels lower than in recent years. Dry conditions earlier in the season also seemed to reduce stand counts in the Cheyenne County trial and may have impacted the final yield CVs. Rodent damage is believed to be responsible for lower emergence/stand in the Saunders County trial.

2020 Corn Variety Trial Results

Entries in the trial included conventional and organic hybrids from a number of companies, including Dyna-Gro, Prairie Hybrids, Hi Fidelity Genetics, and entries from local seed representatives. Harvesting was completed when all hybrids had reached physiological maturity and the majority were near optimal moisture. The yields were calculated assuming a test weight of 56 lbs/bu and adjusted to 15.5% moisture based on observed moisture at harvest. Emergence was calculated based on stand counts collected around V4-V6 and divided by the seeding rate for each location.

In order to provide the data in a timely fashion, the details on cultural practices and hybrid characteristics are limited at this time, but will be included in a forthcoming 2021 Spring Seed Guide. We anticipate publishing this seed guide in February 2021, but do not hesitate to contact Drs. Easterly, Creech, or Maust with questions about specific trials or hybrids.

We are looking forward to expanding the number of corn entries in the coming years, and potentially increasing the number of sites available for testing.

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