Heat Effects on Alfalfa
July 21, 2016
As we experience the extreme heat of summer, plants adjust in various ways.
Managing 'Windrow Disease' In Alfalfa
June 16, 2016
Managing the "windrow disease" that often follows rained-on hay presents lingering challenges. Weeds and sometimes insects often invade, requiring spraying to maintain quality and protect stands. During the next growth period, plants that were not smothered regrow rapidly, while plants underneath the windrow suffer delays. Harvest adjustments can help get the crop back on track for the rest of the season.
Controlling Summer Grasses In Alfalfa
June 10, 2016
Wet soils in alfalfa fields right after cutting can lead to quick growth of weedy grasses like foxtail and crabgrass, particularly in a thin alfalfa stand. Ensuring a thick stand with good fertility and select herbicides can help you keep grasses under control.
Alfalfa Harvest Delayed? Adjust Cutting Height
June 1, 2016
Two weeks of intermittent rains have delayed alfalfa harvest for many producers. As of Sunday, May 29, first cutting had been taken on 31% of the state's alfalfa crop, ahead of last year's 19% and the five-year average of 27%. If you weren't one of the lucky growers who got theirs cut and put up before more more rains came, you may want to consider adjusting your cutting height.
Potato Leafhoppers Feeding in Alfalfa Earlier than Normal
May 25, 2016
Potato leafhoppers have been reported in alfalfa in southeastern and northeastern Nebraska. This is somewhat earlier than usual and growers should be alert to potential damage and protecting their alfalfa where numbers indicate treatment thresholds would be met.
Assess Condition of Alfalfa Fields at First Harvest
May 19, 2016
First cutting of alfalfa is here or approaching rapidly and presents a good time to evaluate field conditions and plan management.
Aphids Active in Nebraska Spring Alfalfa
May 6, 2016
Examination of an alfalfa field in northeast Nebraska this week revealed some alfalfa weevil larvae (under threshold at just over one larvae/sweep) and a surprisingly high population of pea aphids. This was somewhat unexpected due to the recent winds and rain which often dislodge aphids from plant stems, resulting in reduced pea aphid numbers. See story for biocontrol information and aphid scouting and treatment recommendations.
Scout for Alfalfa and Clover Leaf Weevils
May 5, 2016
Guide to identifying and managing alfalfa and clover leaf weevils in alfalfa. While research in northeast Nebraska has shown that clover leaf weevil larva feeding does not cause yield reduction to first cutting alfalfa, alfalfa weevil feeding can cause severe losses to yield and quality of the first cutting. This is why it's important to correctly identify the type of weevil feeding causing damage.