Wrapping Hay to Beat the Weather
If rain damage often plagues your hay making, you might consider using plastic wrap this year. Try baling it tough, then wrapping it with stretch plastic wrap to keep water and air out while keeping nutrients in.
Firm Seedbeds For Planting Grasses And Alfalfa
Before planting alfalfa or grass this spring, take time to ensure that your seedbed is firm and ready to nurture seedlings.
Walk acoss the field, looking back at your footprints. Do you sink in more deeply than the soles of your shoes or boots? If so, your seedbed may be too soft.
Applying Manure Before Seeding Alfalfa
Pre-Season Alfalfa Irrigation May be Advisable
Reduce the Cost of Planting Roundup Ready Alfalfa
Consider Planting Grass-Alfalfa Mixtures this Year
Checking Alfalfa For Winter Injury
Alfalfa had started to green up and grow in many areas prior to this cold spell. When growth begins again, stands need to be evaluated soon.
Cutting Costs Without Hurting Yields? Check Fertilizer N Rates in Corn after Alfalfa
With tight crop margins for the 2017 growing season, many farmers are looking for ways to cut input costs without hurting yields. One way to do this is by giving the appropriate nitrogen credit when calculating how much N to apply to corn grown after a prior alfalfa crop.