Legumes Can Benefit Your Pasture Mix

March 2, 2018
Five years of grazing research in eastern Nebraska showed that brome/legume pastures produced almost four-tenths of a pound higher average daily gain on yearlings than did straight brome pastures fertilized with 50 lbs of nitrogen. Adding legumes to your pasture mix may be just the boost your production system needs.

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Field pennycress

Dormant Spraying for Alfalfa Weeds

March 2, 2018
With temperatures beginning to warm up, now is a good time to manage weeds such as field pennycress, downy brome, mustards, cheatgrass, and shepherd's purse in dormant alfalfa without risking plant injury.

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Recommendations for Harvesting Alfalfa in October

October 3, 2017
Alfalfa's growing season is usually over by mid-October, but this year many fields received late season rain that's contributing to a substantial, high quality alfalfa crop. Here are some recommendations for a successful harvest when drying times are apt to be slow.

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How Freezes Affect Forages

October 3, 2017
Frost can causes important changes in plant metabolism and composition, making forages a hazard to cattle for several days after a freeze.

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Safely Harvesting Alfalfa During the Winterizing Period

September 8, 2017

A tempting amount of alfalfa growth may be available for harvest in early fall. A careful harvest will help assure it's also available next year.

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Interseeding Grass in Thinning Alfalfa

August 10, 2017
Interseeding grass into existing alfalfa takes timely haying and planting, but both land and livestock will improve with your efforts. Check out these tips for adding grasses in alfalfa.

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Alfalfa field

Determining When It's Time to Replace Thinning Alfalfa Stands

July 7, 2017
Are you seeing thinning stands and more weeds in your alfalfa than you'd like? If so, take time out this summer to determine whether you may need to replant the field or rotate out of alfalfa to provide a nitrogen boost for the next crop. Here's a quick guide to assess potential production based on number of shoots per plant.

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Large, round hay bales
Figure 1. Timely removal of baled hay from fields can help assure continued yields.

Remove Bales Soon After Harvest to Avoid Future Yield Loss

June 30, 2017
Many hay fields have recently been cut and baled for hay. After the final cutting for the year, it may not matter too much if bales are left in the field, but when more harvests are expected from that field, delaying removal may cut future yield.

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