Scout Diligently for Alfalfa Weevils in May And June
May 16, 2018
High populations of alfalfa weevils have been found in alfalfa throughout the Nebraska Panhandle; lower populations were reported this week in central and eastern Nebraska. The economics would warrant continued scouting through June to provide for timely treatment, if necessary, and yield protection.
Irrigating Alfalfa
May 9, 2018
With low soil moisture levels in many areas, now might be a good time to start irrigating alfalfa to encourage deeper rooting to a deeper water reserve.
Optimizing Your First Cutting of Alfalfa
May 9, 2018
If high quality hay is your goal, don't delay harvest. However, if you're looking to rebuild your hay supply, letting it grow almost until bloom will provide more feed while using water resources more efficiently.
Postemergence Weed Control in Alfalfa
May 9, 2018
New alfalfa seedlings do not compete well with weeds and are best managed when small. Here are management tips for when you mow or use chemical control measures.
Thickening Alfalfa with Cereals to Boost First Cutting Yields
April 20, 2018
Are some of your alfalfa stands a little thinner than you would like or does it look like you'll be haying fewer acres of alfalfa this year.
Consider No-till Seeding Alfalfa This Year
April 6, 2018
No-till seeding alfalfa can help preserve crop residue on the soil surface, reduce soil erosion, limit weed seeds on the soil surface, and perhaps most importantly this year, help conserve soil moisture.
Adding Grass to Thinning Alfalfa Offers a Win-Win
March 15, 2018
Thin alfalfa stands can be rejuvenated by interseeding grasses and converting the field to pasture or haying as a grass-alfalfa mixture. The diversity offers a win for both the land and the livestock.
Checking Alfalfa For Winter Injury
March 15, 2018
Bitter cold spells and desiccating winds in early winter may have endangered alfalfa stands. Evaluate alfalfa stands soon to determine their viability and the potential need for replanting or rotating to another crop.