Cover Crops

Aerial photo of farm with a variety of plots
An older Google Earth photo of the Rogers Memorial Farm with several of the cover crop studies visible.

2024 Cover Crop and Soil Health Field Day Kicks Off Sept. 17

September 11, 2024
The field day will feature demos and discussion on a wide array of cover crop and soil health practices by UNL faculty and extension professionals, including a statewide study on cover crop variety selection and performance.

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Tractor disking field

Nebraska Field Experiments Investigate Biochar Impact to Soil Health and Crop Yields

September 10, 2024
UNL researchers are utilizing biochar and cover crops in environmentally sensitive Nebraska soils to identify the conditions under which biochar may benefit temperate regions. 

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Field of cover crops
Cover crops are increasingly being adopted by producers in Nebraska for their long-term environmental benefits and potential for immediate economic use through grazing and forage. (CAP photo)

Cover Crop Utilization, Implications for Cropland Lease Arrangements in 2024

August 23, 2024
The long-term environmental benefits of cover crops often extend beyond the duration of current lease agreements, leading to considerations in lease negotiations, particularly regarding rental discounts for tenants who plant cover crops.

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Cattle grazing spring pasture
The 2024 Forage Field Day is free to attend online, beginning at 12:30 p.m. CT on Tuesday, Aug. 6.

2024 Forage Field Day Moving Online

August 1, 2024
The 2024 Forage Field Day webinar will feature discussion and interactive sessions on sustainable forage practices, optimizing forage quality and quantity, safe silage harvest procedures, alfalfa pests and more.

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Tractor driving through corn rows

Early Season Interseeded Cover Crops in Corn and the Impact of Residual Herbicides

July 24, 2024
Results of a UNL-Bayer collaborative study that evaluated cover crop biomass production at different early season interseeding timings in corn and the impact of residual herbicide programs on cover crop establishment.

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Cattle in corn stubble
Key findings from the study indicate that while current adoption rates are relatively low — only 14% of cattle operations with cropland used cover crops as of 2017 — there are notable variations depending on the type of operation. (IANR News photo)

Nebraska Researchers Contribute to Study on Cover Crops in Livestock Operations

July 11, 2024
The research team's work underscores the potential for significant expansion in the use of cover crops, particularly in areas where integration with livestock is feasible.

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N field banner

This Week on N Field: Cereal Rye Termination Timing

July 3, 2024
Getting maximum weed control from cover crops without affecting row crop yield is a matter of termination timing. Learn more in this episode of N Field.

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This Week on N Field: Interseeding Barley or Oat in Soybean for Weed Suppression

July 3, 2024
Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala discusses the benefits of interseeding cereal cover crops in soybean for weed control. 

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