Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

Tar spot on corn leaf

Black Spots in Corn? Southern Rust, Tar Spot and More

August 29, 2024
Differentiating between corn diseases can be difficult, but it's vital for effective long-term management. Read this article to learn more about the identifiable characteristics of Nebraska's most common and emerging corn diseases.

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N Field corn field banner

This Week on N Field: Soybean Disease Trends in Nebraska

July 26, 2024
Extension Plant Pathologists Dylan Mangel and Tamra Jackson-Ziems provide an in-depth update on the current soybean disease trends in Nebraska.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Bacterial Leaf Streak

July 26, 2024
Is it bacterial leaf streak or gray leaf spot? These scouting tips will help you identify the culprit creating lesions on your corn.

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Closeup of black spots on corn leaf
Figure 1. Tar spot black stromata develop on the upper leaf first then become visible underneath too. Over time, the spots increase in size and elongate. (Photos by Tamra Jackson-Ziems)

Corn Diseases Developing in Some Fields — What To Watch

July 12, 2024
Tar spot has been confirmed in several eastern Nebraska counties in recent weeks, and distribution of the fungus is expected to continue expansion this year.

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People standing in wheat field
Figure 1. A wheat field day at the High Plains Ag Lab in Cheyenne County on June 13.

Wheat Disease Update for June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024
As of this week, stripe rust has been observed in all wheat-growing regions of Nebraska. Leaf rust has expanded range as well but is not expected to significantly impact yield.

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Green wheat field in Nebraska
Figure 1. A grower’s wheat field in Webster County on May 28.

Wheat Disease Update for May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024
Severe infections of stripe rust were observed this week in Nebraska wheat fields, and leaf rust was identified for the first time this season.

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Green wheat field in Nebraska
Figure 1. Research plots at Havelock Research Farm in Lincoln, Lancaster County on May 23. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Wheat Disease Update for May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024
Stripe rust observations and severity have increased in Nebraska, and Fusarium head blight was detected at trace levels.

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Yellowed wheat field from wheat streak mosaic disease complex

Wheat Disease Update for May 17, 2024

May 17, 2024
The prevalence of stripe rust has significantly increased in Nebraska, with infections identified in 15 southern counties so far.

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