Pea field
Historical crop acreage reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

2024 Nebraska Acreage

July 2, 2024
Most Nebraska crop plantings are slightly higher this year, with dry edible pea acreage at a nearly 30% increase over 2023.

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False chinch bugs en masse on ground
Figure 1. False chinch bugs. (Photo by Ron Seymour)

False Chinch Bugs Found in Nebraska

July 1, 2024
False chinch bugs are usually considered an incidental pest, but wilting and feeding damage is occasionally noticed when a large number of the bugs feed on plants.

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Russet potatoes in a pile
Historical potato stocks data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska Potato Stocks for April 2024

April 17, 2024
USDA NASS reports indicate 2.10 million cwt of potatoes in storage as of April 1.

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Russet potatoes in a pile
Historical potato stocks data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska Feb. 1 Potato Stocks

February 27, 2024
Nebraska had 4.40 million cwt of potatoes in storage on Feb. 1, which represents 40% of 2023 production.

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Russet potatoes in a pile
Historical potato production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Dec. 1 Potato Stocks

December 19, 2023
Russet potato production in Nebraska is up 29% from last year, according to USDA NASS's latest report.

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Russet potatoes in bin
Historical potato production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Potato Summary for 2022

September 28, 2023
Nebraska's potato production in 2022 was up 4% from the previous year, and acreage also increased by 5%.

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Historical potato stock reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Potato Stocks for June 2023

June 21, 2023
Nebraska growers, dealers and processors held 300,000 cwt of potatoes in storage on June 1, which represented 3% of 2022 production.

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Historical potato stocks data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

2023 Nebraska Potato Stocks for April

April 19, 2023
April 1, 2023 potato stocks were the lowest since 2017, when a record low of 1.7 million cwt was set.

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