Final production for the 2022 potato crop totaled 9.65 million cwt, up 4% from 2021, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Planted acres for 2022 totaled 20,000, up 5% from 2021. Harvested area, at 19,900 acres, was up 5% from the previous year. Yield for all potatoes averaged 485 cwt in 2022, 5 cwt per acre lower than the 2021 average yield.
The value of potatoes sold from the 2022 crop totaled $112 million, up 14% from 2021. The marketing year average price was $12.80 per cwt, up from $11.80 for the 2021 crop.
Potatoes sold from the 2022 crop totaled 8.78 million cwt, up 5% from 2021. Sales accounted for 91% of production, up 1% from the 2021 crop.