Aerial view of corn field

Nebraska 2021 Annual Crop Production Summary

January 20, 2022
USDA NASS estimated 2021 Nebraska grain corn production at a 4% increase from 2020, and soybean production at a 17% increase. See all crop production estimates for 2021 in this report.

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Soybean pods

November Crop Production: Soybeans Forecast at Record Yield

November 10, 2021

Based on Nov. 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2021 corn crop is forecast at 1.83 billion bushels, up 3% from last year's production, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Area to be harvested for grain, at 9.60 million acres, is down 3% from a year ago. Yield is forecast at 191 bushels per acre, up 11 bushels from last year.

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Nebraska 2020 Potato Summary

October 7, 2021
Final production for the 2020 potato crop totaled 9.21 million cwt, down 4% from 2019, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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FarmBits podcast episode banner
Hosted by Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell — graduate students in UNL's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture team members — FarmBits Podcast is a weekly series highlighting new innovations and trends in digital agriculture through interviews with academic experts, farmers and industry specialists.

FarmBits Podcast: Potato Protection Perspectives

August 26, 2021
Agronomists Seth Gurley and Jessie Ziems discuss the complexities of potato protection and how they are leveraging digital tools and advanced technology to combat pest pressure across the CSS Farms, Inc. operation.

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Nebraska Potato Stocks as of Dec. 1

December 17, 2019

Nebraska growers, dealers, and processors held 5.10 million cwt of potatoes in storage on December 1, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Current stocks represent 55% of the 2019 production. Total stocks are defined as all potatoes on hand, regardless of use, including those that will be lost through future shrinkage and dumping.

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Specialty Crops Disease Update

January 10, 2019

The occurrence and distribution of plant pathogens are long known to be strongly influenced by the environment. We see evidence of this concept every season on specialty crops in western Nebraska, and 2018 was no exception.

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Nebraska Potato Production up 22% from Previous Year

September 14, 2018

Final production for the 2017 Nebraska potato crop totaled 9.03 million cwt, up 22% from 2016, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Planted acres for 2017 totaled 19,000, up 15% from 2016. Harvested area, at 19,000 acres, was up 16% from the previous year. Yield for all potatoes averaged 475 cwt in 2017, 25 cwt per acre higher than the 2016 average yield.

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Potato Production in Nebraska

September 18, 2017

Final production for the 2016 Nebraska potato crop totaled 7.38 million hundredweight (cwt), up 7% percent from 2015, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Planted acres for 2016 totaled 16,500, up 6% from 2015.

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