stripe rust in wheat

Stripe Rust Identified in Panhandle Wheat

April 18, 2017
Minor levels of striped rust have been confirmed in winter wheat from a field in Sheridan County north of Rushville. The infections occurred on only a few leaves and pustules were very small and difficult to see. Growers are encouraged to continue scouting wheat for disease; a fungicide application is not recommended at this time.

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Healthy wheat field in early April
Figure 1: A wheat research field at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Havelock Farm in Lancaster County on April 6

Wheat Disease Update

April 7, 2017
Winter wheat growth in Nebraska is progressing at a steady pace, with most fields now green with little or on disease; however, growers are urged to continue scouting their wheat for early signs of disease as current and forecasted wet weather this spring is likely to lead to severe disease outbreaks.

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Nebraska Winter Wheat 47% Good-Excellent

April 3, 2017

Nebraska winter wheat condition rated 2% very poor, 9% poor, 42% fair, 42% good, and 5% excellent, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service report released today.

Oat planting was 28% complete, ahead of 18% last year and 25% for the five-year average.

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USDA chart of US corn stocks as of 3/1/17

USDA: US and Nebraska Grain Stock Report as of March 1, 2017

March 31, 2017
Compared with March 1, 2016 Nebraska grain stocks in major categories were all up: corn, 5%; soybean, 17%; wheat, 45%; and sorghum 27%.

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USDA chart of US corn soybean acreage 1997-2017

US & Nebraska Prospective Plantings: Record Soybean Acreage

March 31, 2017
At 89.5 million projected acres, the 2017 US soybean acreage would set a record high and near the planting estimate for corn at 90 million acres, according to the March 31 USDA Prospective Plantings Report. In Nebraska soybean acres were also up (5.7 million acres) while corn dropped to 9.55 million acres.

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Winter wheat in late March in west central Nebraska, by Rodrigo Werle

USDA NASS Crop Report

March 29, 2017

Winter wheat condition rated 2% very poor,  10% poor,  49% fair,  35% good, and 4% excellent, according to the March 27 USDA NASS crop report.

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Winter wheat in early spring in southern Nebraska
Figure 1. A grower’s wheat field in Saline County on March 22. Winter wheat is greening up across Nebraska and growers are urged tos scout for disease, given the forecasts for a wet spring. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

Start Scouting for Wheat Diseases

March 24, 2017

The wheat-growing season is off to an early start due to a mild winter. Wheat fields are looking green from a distance (Figure 1), but closer examination reveals freeze damage in some fields caused by periods of subfreezing temperatures that occurred after growth had resumed (Figures 2 and 3).

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army cutworms

Cutworm Scouting Urged in Western Nebraska Wheat and Alfalfa

March 23, 2017
Army cutworms are beginning to show up from central Kansas to Chappell. As wheat breaks dormancy, scouting for cutworms is advised from now through April to determine whether treatment is warranted.

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