
2017 Winter Wheat Crop Down 27% from 2016

May 10, 2017

Based on May 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2017 winter wheat crop is forecast at 51.5 million bushels, down 27% from last year's crop, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Average yield is forecast at 51 bushels per acre, down 3 bushels from last year.

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Wheat field
Figure 1. A lush green grower’s wheat field in Jefferson County on May 5.

Wheat Update: Leaf Rust Confirmed, Stripe Rust Widespread But at Low Levels

May 8, 2017
Because of the presence of stripe rust and leaf rust in the state, as well as increasing incidence and severity of Septoria leaf blotch and tan spot, growers are encouraged to be vigilant in scouting their fields.

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Wheat variety trials exhibiting difference levels of storm damage
Figure 1. Wheat variety test plot northwest of McCook illustrates the difference in amount of damage among varieties from heavy wet snow and rain. (Photos by Robert Klein)

Be Patient When Assessing Winter Wheat Damage

May 5, 2017

Additional time is needed to properly access the injury and potential yield loss of Nebraska winter wheat, given the cold temperatures that followed last week's below freezing temperatures, heavy wet snow, and high winds. It takes at least a week to 10 days of warm temperatures to make a quality assessment.

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Crop Progress as of 4/30/17

USDA NASS: Corn Planting at 34%, Soybean at 8%

May 1, 2017
Despite rainy cold conditions that moved in mid week, corn planting moved to 34% complete as of Sunday April 30, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Services weekly Crop Progress and Condition Report. Eight percent of the soybean crop had been planted. For the week ending April 30, temperatures averaged eight to ten degrees below normal, according to the report. Significant rainfall of one inch or more was recorded across most counties. Moderate snow, averaging two to four inches, was recorded in south central and northeastern counties at the end of the week.

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Wheat field April 27, 2017
Figure 1. A section of a wheat field showing lush green growth at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center (ARDC) near Mead on April 27.

Stripe Rust Confirmed in Wheat in South Central and Southeast Nebraska; Other Diseases Increasing

April 28, 2017

Wheat fields are still looking green (Figure 1).  However, development of several diseases is increasing. On April 26, stripe rust was confirmed in Nuckolls County in south central Nebraska and on April 27, it was found at low to moderate levels in research plots at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Havelock Research Farm near Lincoln in Lancaster County (Figure 2).

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Field of wheat near McCook April 27, 2017.
A good, thick stand of wheat, such as this one near McCook provides a warmer microclimate near the soil surface that reduces the potential for freeze injury. (Photos by Robert Klein)

Assessing Freeze Injury to Wheat

April 27, 2017
As temperatures dropped below 28° F at a number of sites this week, the authors address how to assess whether freeze damage has occurred.

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Table of USDA NASS Crop Progress for Nebraska

Above Normal Temps Lead to Jump in Corn Planting Progress

April 25, 2017

With temperatures averaging two to four degrees above normal for the week ending April 23, corn planting was well underway and soybean planting had started in Nebraska, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Wheat stripe rust
Figure 1. Stripe rust was found this week in wheat fields in two Nebraska counties ― Sheridan and Box Butte ― and growers are urged to scout fields regularly.