Variety Trials

rows of beans
A drone’s eye view of UNL dry bean variety trial plots at the Mitchell Ag Lab north of Scottsbluff.

2020 Nebraska Dry Edible Bean Trial Results Released

December 16, 2020
Results of the 2020 variety trials for dry edible beans and field peas conducted by the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center are now available.

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Dipak Santra
Dipak Santra, alternative crops breeding specialist, stands in the field pea variety trial plots.

2020 Pea Variety Trial Results Available Online

December 3, 2020
Pea variety trials were conducted at three sites in the Panhandle and southwest Nebraska: Box Butte County near Alliance (28 varieties), Cheyenne County near Sidney (28 varieties), and Perkins County near Venango (33 varieties). Results are now available.

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combine harvesting crops
Photo credit: Craig Chandler

2020 Corn Hybrid Trial Data Available

October 29, 2020
This year, the Nebraska State Variety Trial team resumed corn hybrid trials. These were planted at four rainfed sites (Saunders, Clay, Perkins, and Cheyenne counties) and two irrigated sites (Clay and Perkins counties).

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Field pea variety trial plot in Lincoln County, summer 2019.
A field pea variety trial plot in Lincoln County, summer 2019.

2019 Field Pea Variety Trial Results Available On-Line

December 12, 2019
Results of the 2019 variety trials for field peas have been posted to CropWatch. While there were some high yields, all the trials faced challenges from the weather, ranging from heavy rains during the preferred planting period to a tornado.

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Winter wheat stubble without a herbicide treatment in the growing crop.

Looking Back on the 2019 Wheat Crop in Western Nebraska

August 30, 2019
Ideal temperatures, good moisture, and low disease pressure were the perfect conditions to achieve high winter wheat yields across much of southwest, west central, and the Panhandle of Nebraska with several counties averaging over 100 bu/ac.

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Stephen Baenziger speaking to growers at one of the Winter Wheat Variety Trial field days.
Stephen Baenziger speaking to growers at one of the Winter Wheat Variety Trial field days. (Photo by David Ostdiek)

Update on Wheat Varieties for Nebraska 2019: Another Unusual Year

August 29, 2019
A review of wheat variety data from 2018-2019 shows it was an unusual year, given the above-normal precipitation in many areas, and that it might be best considered with averages from previous years when selecting wheat seed for next year.

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Wheat in an eastern Nebraska variety trial earlier this year. (Photo by Nathan Mueller)

2- and 3-Year Average Winter Wheat Trial Data

August 22, 2019
Two- and three-year averages of data from winter wheat variety trials is now available for yield, protein, test weight, and height for rainfed trials in four wheat-growing regions and irrigated trials.

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Early planted wheat field in Nuckolls County; taken early May 2019

Eastern Nebraska Winter Wheat Update

May 3, 2019
Wheat in eastern Nebraska is behind normal growth stage, but has good yield potential. Weather in late May and early June, as wheat enters the critical grain fill stage, will likely dictate final yield.

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