USDA: Corn and Soybean Slow to Maturity
September 16, 2019
Only 19% of Nebraska's corn is mature, compared to 41% at this time last year and 35% for the five-year average, USDA NASS reports. Soybean development faces similar delays.
USDA Forecasts Record Nebraska Corn Harvest
September 12, 2019
Based on September 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2019 corn crop is forecast at a record 1.79 billion bushels, up slightly from last year's production. Soybean production is forecast at 287 million bushels, down 14% from last year. See forecasts for sorghum, surgar beets and dry beans too.
Nebraska Wheat Crop Forecast at 50 Million Bushels
May 10, 2019
Based on May 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2019 winter wheat crop is forecast at 50 million bushels, up 1% from last year, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Average yield is forecast at 50 bushels per acre.
Rebuilding Fences After Disaster
May 2, 2024
After this spring’s severe weather, fencing repairs and new fences are a priority for many producers. This article looks at considerations when you assess fence damage, the fence law, and available assistance.
USDA Census: Nebraska Farms Down 7% from 2012
April 11, 2019
This week USDA released its 2017 ag census data, noting that while the number of farms in Nebraska had dropped 7% from 2012 to 2017, the area of land in farms had only dropped 1%.
Nebraska Winter Wheat Seedings
February 8, 2019
Winter wheat seeded area in Nebraska for 2019 is estimated at 930,000 acres, down from last year.
USDA Reports NE Corn and Soybean Production Hit Record Highs
February 8, 2019
Corn for grain production and soybean set record highs in 2018, according to the end-of-year report from USDA. See how all major crops in Nebraska fared.
Harvest 2018 Nears the Goal Line
November 27, 2018
As of Nov. 25, corn harvest was 94% done and sorghum harvest was 95% done, both near last year and the average of the last five years.