UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center

Dry bean field collage
Dry Bean Breeding Specialist Carlos Urrea and his crew worked both outside and indoors to carry out variety trials in 2021. (Left photo) Barbara Pieper (foreground), Aymslee Mathis and Karrisa Neal, summer interns, at work in the greenhouse scouting and clipping young bean plants. (Right photo) Urrea checks variety plots at the Mitchell Ag Lab in mid-summer 2021.

2021 Nebraska Dry Edible Bean Trial Results Available

January 6, 2022
Results of the 2021 variety trials for dry edible beans conducted by the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center are now available on CropWatch.

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Research fields map
On the left, a comparison of participating fields in 2020 (a) and 2021 (b). On the right, total area of participating fields in 2020 (c) and distribution of individual field sizes in 2021 (d).

Panhandle Learning Agricultural Network (PLAN) Aims to Increase Farmer Adoption of Field-based Sensors

October 7, 2021
PLAN aims to use sensors, low-cost telemetry such as Internet of Things (IoT), localized algorithms, and an interactive data display and processing interface to better serve the farming community in the Nebraska Panhandle.

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Field peas
Figure 1. Field peas are now being tested in Nebraska as a winter crop at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research and Extension Center.

Winter Field Pea as a Fall-planted Broadleaf Crop for the Panhandle?

October 7, 2021
For the first time, winter field pea varieties are being tested in Nebraska as a winter crop, as it has the potential to increase a wheat-based dryland crop production system's sustainability, and economic viability of dryland farming in the Nebraska Panhandle and High Plains in general.

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Farm Sci-Ed program logo

More Farm Sci-Ed Videos Available to View Online

October 7, 2021
Eight video episodes have been released and available to view online in the Farm Sci-Ed video series, which highlights the “science and education behind farming” and integrated pest management research.

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Farm Sci-Ed program logo

Farm Sci-Ed Video Series Kicks Off

August 26, 2021
The Farm Sci-Ed program focusing on highlighting the “science and education behind farming” and integrated pest management research released its first video in a series about research projects happening within the Nebraska Panhandle.

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Aerial view of research plots
A view of some of the research plots surrounding the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center, taken by a drone.

Panhandle Center Hosts Field Day Aug. 19

August 5, 2021
The 2021 event will highlight up-to-date research on dry beans, corn, sugarbeets and alternative crops, and include tours of crop research plots and a chance to see new ag technology.

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Nebraska irrigation canal
In this photo from the Platte Basin Timelapse Project, an irrigation canal delivers water to farmland in Scotts Bluff County. Scotts Bluff National Monument is on the horizon.

Nebraska Water Center Conference Hits the Road this August for Scottsbluff

July 1, 2021
An all-star lineup of Nebraska water professionals will discuss water infrastructure in the panhandle, western Nebraska’s unique hydrogeology, and innovation in water and agricultural management at this year's Nebraska Water Center Conference.

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PARTT Plus seminar powerpoint
The Panhandle Agricultural Research and Technology Tour offers a glimpse into research projects currently being conducted at the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center as a virtual field day.

PARTT Plus Virtual Field Day Archived on Panhandle Center Website

March 31, 2021
The Panhandle Agricultural Research and Technology Tour offers a glimpse into research projects currently being conducted at the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center.

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