UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center

Research team gather samples in field
Graduate students Grace Emperatriz Pacheco Jiron (left), Bridget McKinley, and Vesh R. Thapa, UNL postdoctoral research associate, gather forage samples at PREEC cover crop plots. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Cover Crop Initiative Project has First Field Day in Western Nebraska

May 25, 2023
The project is a four-year collaboration between UNL and NRCS to identify the best-suited cover crop species and varieties for unique eco-regions across the state of Nebraska.

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Sidney wheat field

Western Nebraska Winter Wheat Sees Effects of Tough Winter

May 11, 2023
Nebraska Extension Dryland Cropping Specialist Cody Creech discusses the status and outlook for winter wheat in western Nebraska.

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Bean plants
Bean plants in the bacterial isolate research study.

Identifying and Characterizing Bacterial Isolates from the Stratosphere

May 4, 2023
Panhandle researchers were recently awarded USDA specialty crop block grants to study new copper alternative chemical products on fungal and bacterial diseases of dry beans, cowpeas, chickpeas and dry peas.

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Palmer amaranth
Palmer amaranth interference in a dry edible bean field.

PREEC Battles Growing Palmer Amaranth Problem

April 26, 2023
Panhandle researchers are conducting 16 field trials this year to test six new herbicides and various management strategies to help producers control surging Palmer amaranth populations in sugarbeets and dry beans. 

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Mitch Stephenson

Stephenson Named Associate Director of Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center

April 7, 2023
A leader in the study of foraging ecology, Stephenson's research focuses on grazing livestock distribution, targeted grazing, social association dynamics within cattle herds, and rangeland resilience on private ranches.

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Rex Nielsen in field

Research Technologist Played Part in Research History

March 29, 2023
Nielsen will wrap up 45 years of contributing to University of Nebraska research initiatives with his departure from the university on March 31.

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Chabella Guzman

PREEC Welcomes New Communications Specialist

March 24, 2023
A native of Mitchell, Nebraska and graduate of UNL, Guzman began her duties at PREEC on March 13.

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Dry beans after slow-darkening test

2022 Nebraska Dry Edible Bean Trial Results Available

January 12, 2023
The dry bean report includes a description and summary of the trials, and tables that list yield, 100 seed-weight and test weight adjusted at 14% moisture, and other phenological data for each variety.

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