End-of-Season Issues Focus of Ag Land Management Webinar Nov. 18
November 5, 2019
The Nov. 18 Agricultural Land Management webinar will focus on end-of-season topics, including county-level cash rental rates, closing out 2019 leases while preparing for 2020, and resources for flood-related prevented plant acreage.
Historical Analysis of Prevent Plant Cropland in Nebraska
October 16, 2019
How does this year's prevented planting compare with the last 10 years? Every season has its challenges, but heavy spring precipitation and flooding made this year one for the record books.
USDA Reports 400,000 Acres of Prevented Plant Cropland in Nebraska
August 15, 2019
Crop producers across Nebraska reported more than 400,000 acres as prevented plant in 2019, ranking 16th nationally. How typical was your county? View county and state numbers from the USDA Farm Service Agency.
Deadline Extended to Apply for Funding to Plant Cover Crops on Flooded Cropland Acres
June 28, 2019
NRCS announced today that it is offering a later EQIP sign-up for farmers in Nebraska who could not plant their crops because of flooded or wet fields. The deadline to apply is July 19, 2019.
Check Herbicide Restrictions before Planting and Using Cover Crops
June 28, 2019
Cover crops offer many benefits for prevented planting fields; however, including them in a rotation adds another layer of complexity, particularly when it comes to plant-back restrictions for previously applied herbicides. Here's what to check before selecting a cover crop species.
NRCS Recommendations for Growing Corn as a Cover Crop
June 28, 2019
Corn is considered a cover crop species in Nebraska and can be planted into prevented planting acres and can be grazed or harvested for forage. See these NRCS recommendations for meeting guidelines when using corn as a cover crop.
Prevented Planting and Cover Crops
June 21, 2019
This week when the USDA Risk Management Agency changed the deadline for grazing, cutting, or haying cover crops planted on prevented planting acres to Sept. 1, new options opened up for selecting cover crops to best meet the end use and to provide higher quality feed for cattle. Learn about what to consider when selecting cover crops and how your choices can affect prevented planting payments.
RMA Changes Haying, Grazing Deadline on Prevent Plant Acres Planted to Cover Crops
June 20, 2019
Farmers who planted cover crops on prevented plant acres will be permitted to hay, graze or chop those fields earlier than November this year, USDA announced today. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) adjusted the 2019 final haying and grazing date from November 1 to September 1 to help farmers who were prevented from planting because of flooding and excess rainfall this spring.