Historical Analysis of Prevent Plant Cropland in Nebraska

October 16, 2019

Historical Analysis of Prevent Plant Cropland in Nebraska

By Jim Jansen - Agricultural Economist, Jeff Stokes - Professor and Hanson-Clegg-Allen Chair in Agricultural Banking and Finance

Nebraska crop producers reported unprecedented levels of prevent plant land for the 2019 growing season. Prevent plant cropland exceeded 420,000 acres across the state (Table 1). Many of the counties suffering extensive damages border major streams, tributaries, and rivers, including those along the Missouri, Niobrara, and Platte rivers.

Prevented Planting Acres over the Prior Decade

The 2015 and 2019 growing years marked the highest levels of prevented plant cropland at 188,463 and 421,409 acres, respectively. These unusually high numbers were due to major weather events impacting the state. Prevented planting filings in 2010, 2011, and 2016, the next highest years, averaged about 41,000 acres. In the remaining years shown in Table 1, prevented planting ranged from approximately 6,000 to 25,000 acres.

Major row crops and small grains (corn, sorghum, soybeans, and wheat) reported the largest number of prevented plant acreages. Corn typically accounts for over two-thirds of prevented plant cropland, followed by soybeans making up the majority of the other acres.

Crop insurance policies in Nebraska define periods in the planting seasons when specific crops must be planted. A late planting window occurs after the regular period, but an operator’s coverage may be reduced. If an operator cannot plant a crop during the regular or late planting period due to a qualifying event, then the cropland would qualify as prevented plant. An operator receives a portion of the cropland’s crop insurance guarantee on prevented plant acres and may use a cover crop for conservation purposes.

Options for Producers with Prevented Plant Cropland

Producers with prevented plant cropland in Nebraska must be aware of their rights and responsibilities for the property. Maintaining good communication with their crop insurance agent, USDA service center, and landlord (when applicable) ensures that the appropriate parties stay informed regarding the extent of the issues.

Depending upon the extent of the weather-related damages, an operator’s crop insurance would provide the first line of defense against loss of income from low yields or prevented plant acres. The second line of disaster assistance may come from the USDA Farm Services Agency. Subject to program availability and year, USDA may also provide some form of disaster assistance.

Other local, state, or federal resources may be available depending on the type of loss suffered and resources appropriated.


USDA-Farm Service Agency. Crop Acreage Data Reported to FSA. 2019 Crop Year as of August 1, 2019, retrieved Oct. 16, 2019, from United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency.

USDA Reports 400,000 Acres of Prevented Plant Cropland in Nebraska, an August 15 CropWatch article with multi-state and Nebraska county data.

Table 1. Nebraska prevented planting acres reported to the USDA Farm Services Agency for each year, 2010-2019. (Source: USDA Farm Service Agency Crop Acreage Data)
Crop YearCornSorghumSoybeansWheatOtherbTotal
2019a 343,769 3,310 71,986 1,584 760 421,409
2018 18,956 361 5,325 406 0 25,048
2017 17,222 0 1,696 0 0 18,918
2016 38,922 19 4,934 73 5 43,953
2015 129,179 3,881 54,996 128 279 188,463
2014 9,895 6 1,654 720 0 12,275
2013 11,518 8 2,591 1,303 0 15,420
2012 3,890 0 2,286 0 0 6,177c
2011 29,279 0 11,088 15 11 40,394c
2010 21,221 1,235 10,061 6,128 49 38,693c
Average of 2010-2019 62,385 882 16,662 1,036 110 81,075

aPreliminary data for 2019
bOther column in Oct. 1, 2019 report includes 630 acres of oats and 130 acres of sugar beets
Other column in 2016 report includes 5 acres of oats
Other column in 2015 includes 84 acres of barley, 87 of oats and 108 of sugar beets
Other column in 2011 includes 11 acres of oats
Other column in 2010 includes 49 acres of oats
cAny difference between the total and sum of individual rows is due to rounding.

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