Alfalfa and corn fields
As it aggressively scavenges nitrogen in the soil, alfalfa can greatly reduce nitrate contamination of groundwater with no negative implications for future crops if planted in rotations.

Alfalfa in Rotation with Annual Crops Reduces Nitrate Leaching Potential and Increases Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration

March 30, 2023
This UNL research study provides insights on the rotation of annual crops with alfalfa as a highly effective means of reducing nitrate-nitrogen contamination in groundwater.

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Tractor spraying soil
For producers planting corn-on-corn this growing season, Nebraska Extension encourages taking soil samples to determine accurate nitrate levels and adjusting N application rates accordingly, as there may be considerable amounts of residual nitrogen left from the previous corn crop.

Understanding Soil Residual Nitrogen and its Dollar Value for Next Crop

March 14, 2023
For producers planning corn-on-corn this growing season, there may be a substantial opportunity to reduce nitrogen fertilizer applications, as drought and reduced yields likely left higher-than-normal residual N in many fields.

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Farmers discuss ag tech
Taylor Cross (right), a graduate student in mechanized systems management, speaks with Nebraska ag producers Doug Jones (left) and Tony Jones about the sensor-based fertigation management technology that’s been shown to increase nitrogen-use efficiency and profitability in on-farm research. (Photo courtesy Nebraska Today | Hannah Gaebel Dorn, HG Images)

Sensor-based Fertigation Management Research Boosts Efficiency, Profitability

March 9, 2023
Tested on cornfields in eastern Nebraska, the study's sensor-based fertigation produced about 44 pounds more grain per pound of nitrogen than traditional methods, with an increase in profitability ranging from $28-$40 per acre.

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Jinliang Yang in sorghum field
Jinliang Yang, assistant professor of agronomy and horticulture, is leading an effort to better understand sorghum’s genetic makeup to improve the crop’s nitrogen use efficiency. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

Husker Research Hones in on Sorghum’s Genetic Makeup to Improve Nitrogen Efficiency

October 6, 2022
This new research will focus on increasing sorghum’s fertilizer use efficiency, as well as other aspects of sorghum’s fertilizer use, including nitrogen sensing, signaling and downstream regulatory pathways.

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Cornstalk sample cutting

Using a Cornstalk Nitrate Test to Evaluate Nitrogen Management Decisions

September 29, 2022
At the end of the season, a nitrate test can help determine whether the crop was under-, adequately or over-fertilized with nitrogen, resulting in the potential to significantly reduce input costs.

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Departure from normal precip 2022
Figure 1. Departure from normal precipitation during 2022 growing season in Nebraska.

Another Dry Year: What to Know About Leftover Nitrogen in Soil Following Dry Conditions

September 28, 2022
In irrigated or dryland areas with normal production, management practices may continue as normal, but for dryland areas with drastic yield reductions, there is potential for nitrogen fertilizer adjustment for the 2023 crop.

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On-farm research field
Nebraska grower Jon Walz was one of 35 producers involved in the Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) evaluating various technologies to improve their nitrogen use efficiency. (Photo by Elizabeth Hodges)

Farmer Focus: Producer Engages in On-Farm Research Project to Cut Input Costs

July 14, 2022
Results of one Nebraska grower's on-farm research on reducing nitrogen inputs by using a Trimble GreenSeeker crop sensor and Corteva's Granular Insights decision support system.

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Irrigation circles

2022 Bazile Groundwater Management Field Day on June 30

June 17, 2022
Northeast Nebraska farmers and ag professionals will learn about tools they can implement to mitigate nitrogen loss at this free event.

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